Nisis DV5's PicturesPages Clockwatching (Nisis DV5)
Oh it's been so busy as you may have guessed and nothing interesting to say, but I thought that I would interest you I an archive pic from 2006 and slightly off centre. In the intervening time I have been contacted by a marketing agency for a camera company (I don't feel special believe me I suspect they mailshot many people) about a fantastic event in my area. Turns out it was all about a larger than life postbox that took the artists 4 weeks to create. I thought that this was great, it's in the Printworks, that's close to the Postbox that survived the IRA bomb in Manchester, that might be a good picture.
So I turned up and I looked around the area and nothing, so I went back to the promo pic and yes I had been in the right area. So back again to look at the angles and I may have been wrong initially but I wouldn't have missed it so back to the emails, I emailed my contact. Luckily for her since marketing skills are so transferable, she transferred. At the end of the day no-one knew where the heck this thing was until I found it on Peter St quite a way from the Printworks. I took a pic but it was blurry what with it being grim at the moment (yes I would prefer an off centre pic than an out of focus one). Of course the new marketing bod gained intel on the postbox only after I emailed her.
For those who are less cynical then google “8x life”, it's Panasonic's attempt at selling their compact with a zoom lens. They have an obligatory Facebook Page I am sure there's an RSS feed too... sorry no! RSS is old hat so they'll have a rubbish Twitter feed instead.
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Christmas has Come Early (Nisis DV5)
I was running through my old photos and found this one. What's worse is that I cannot find it on my site so I must have omitted it.
Here is the blue plaque that I was talking about in the last post. In fact this is now not there which is surely better. Zamyatin is a little web archive of the past. Of course here is the obligatory Wikipedia link.
What's weird is that it's quite difficult to believe that in the centre of Manchester there was enough space for 60000 people what with the Raddison and GMEX but then again it was just 1 year under 200 years ago.
I shall delay the appearance of the new plaque otherwise Zamyatin will be know as the Plaque site.
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Staring at the Sea (Nisis DV5)
Busy again so more archive pictures I am afraid. Yes I am a dead loss at this weekly photoblog thing. Thank goodness I haven't decided to write a blog with one entry per day. That would be awful.
This is a picture of Crosby Beach again. Whatever you think about Anthony Gormley this is a fantastic thing to see. You may have guessed this by the fact that there are so many pictures on this photoblog, so am glad they are still there despite there was a risk last year that they would be moved. I believe Sefton Council paid to keep the statues there which I think is a good thing.
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Such a Discovery (Nisis DV5)
After being punted off my bike last week I have not been too interested in doing anything other than the normal stuff so walking around filling photoblog entries has not been top agenda so it's back to archive pictures.
This picture is of the RSS Discovery. It wasn't that interesting at the time because at the time I was on holiday in Scotland and I chose the best pictures of the day and this day I published pictures of the Unicorn. So here is a picture of the RSS Discovery a ship build to go to the Antarctic that left Dundee and now is back in Dundee for you to have a look at.
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Mullingar Cathedral (Nisis DV5)
On a quick trip out for the day we ended up at Mullingar. Nothing much there open unless you fancy a pint and so far from home I didn't. The only other thing there was the Cathedral which if you haven't guessed from the title, this is a picture of it. As usual it's only after you take your picture do you see a postcard with a picture taken at a better angle but then again that's what postcard picture takers are paid to do I suppose.
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Loughcrew Burial Mound (Nisis DV5)
On the highest hill in County Meath sits a 5000-6000 year old burial mound. This is one of the satellite tombs which is open so that I could take a picture of the carvings on the inside of the tomb.
The main burial mound contains more carvings and there's a guided tour. I say a guided tour but when the main space of the tomb can only fit about I people max then there's not much walking around involved but all of the things you see in the tomb are pretty well explained.
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View Across (Nisis DV5)
More archive pictures since the weather is bad and I'm not hoping for any good pictures. Here's a pictures over Manchester from the Hilton Hotel from the 30ish floor (i think it's the 30ish I might be wrong) if I am wrong then I am definate that it's from the Exec Lounge looking over GMEX with the Midland just overshadowed by the GMES on the left and the Bridgewater Hall on the right. In the middle you have the picture of Glass and Steel that I took in March the year before.
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Crosby Beach Again (Nisis DV5)
This time we made and actual attempt to go to Crosby beach this time and during the day this time too. In a break from the bad weather this was a wind-lashed Crosby beach and a very bright beach too, so much so that I'd turned the brightness of the camera down to the minimum and all but one of the pictures were over exposed. We walked the full three kilometres of the beach and at one point nearly getting stuck in some sandy mud that initially scarily enough seemed like quicksand. Got out alive and counted down the tagged statues. The only problem of walking all that way was that the car was now three kilometres away.
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The Unicorn (Nisis DV5)
Not a pub just near Woodford just in case you were wondering, it's a boat in Dundee. In fact it's one of the best preserved Georgian boat in Britain. Boasting 95% original materials still intact as of when it was built in 1827 which is quite impressive and seems impossible since the boat saw action.
A little difficult to get around when you're six foot one like myself and a little unnerving when you realise you're below the water line. This is a picture of one of the two fibre glass unicorns built when the old wooden one looked a little tired (perhaps the unicorn is the 5%), one was put on display here missing an ear the other one was placed on the ship replacing the wooden one which could then be preserved.
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Town Hall Twist (Nisis DV5)
Now this is something that I have wanted to take a picture after finding it there. Now believe it or not I say I found it, I don't really mean it, and if you live in Manchester or are at least acquainted with Manchester then you either know this already or will be surprised to find that you have missed this item. This believe it or not is on the side of the Town Hall offices. Working in Manchester I only noticed this piece about 6 months ago and now every time I look at it it brings a smile to my face. First because I like it but second because I feel that there are a lot of people like me who walked past it without knowing it was there because we just didn't really look up. It's not exactly like it's hidden being so big, and you don't have to go down a side street to find it and there are two of them both on the side of the offices that face the Library. I like it and I'd like to get a good picture of itto do it justice. Ah well never mind.
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