Peterloo's PicturesPeterloo Again (Pentax Optio 50)
As promised here’s the new plaque that replaces this one that is embedded into the Radisson Hotel in the centre of Manchester. Red this time because it is a memorable place. It used to be blue before they started colour coding them. The new plaque misses out the detail that they were there to be addressed by Henry Hunt, though on the new one we do get info on what happened after the military dispersal.
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Christmas has Come Early (Nisis DV5)
I was running through my old photos and found this one. What's worse is that I cannot find it on my site so I must have omitted it.
Here is the blue plaque that I was talking about in the last post. In fact this is now not there which is surely better. Zamyatin is a little web archive of the past. Of course here is the obligatory Wikipedia link.
What's weird is that it's quite difficult to believe that in the centre of Manchester there was enough space for 60000 people what with the Raddison and GMEX but then again it was just 1 year under 200 years ago.
I shall delay the appearance of the new plaque otherwise Zamyatin will be know as the Plaque site.
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