Seville's PicturesNovotel Top Floor (Nikon F3 T)
OK So I've been busy. Off to Ireland last weekend for a tiring non-Christening missing Pit Lane Park and a couple of other weekends with no picture opportunities, well there was the Squirrel Tree that I have never had the time to take a picture of on Torkington Road that I have driven past several times but wished I did have time or the light for. I also haven't taken a picture of the broken pieces of Ossington Court that was half the block it was on the 22nd of June when they finally decided to tear it down.
So we have an archive picture an office block from the top of the Novotel in Seville reflecting the Novotel sign. This picture was supposed to be a timed exposure of the sunset. Unfortunately I took it with the Nikon. Either I am impatient with the camera and it is just slow at taking pictures or in low light the Nikon is faulty and locks open in low light, so the light streaks are me trying to get a one Euro piece to unscrew the batteries whilst I wiggle the camera around in the light of the pool lights.
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Plaza de Espana Reprise (Minolta X500)
Back to October because nothing interesting has happened for a while so I decide to post this little arty farty number. Taken with a film camera and partly ruined by the kind chaps at the print lab (the two splodges on it) but at least you can see what I was trying to get at. These pillars lead you from the outside bit of the Plaza de Espana into the fountain in the centre which as I probably mentioned previously was closed when we went. As you can see I was trying to get some depth into the photo which I may have done. From memory I'd arsed up the settings on the camera so I'm surprised anything cam out at all. It's a usual picture for me as it's all about repeated patterns.
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Seville Town FC (QTEK 9100)
Back to archive pics again. I did mean to take a picture of a mosaic in Manchester but in the morning it was raining so much I just wanted to get off my bike at work and then when the sun was out I was busy working. Never mind.
Here's how close we were to the Seville Football ground and when they beat Valencia despite the fact that we were over the other side of the hotel and I had earplugs in I could hear the cheers.
This is a picture from the top of the hotel which had a fantastic view despite not being that close to anything of interest (unless you count Seville's ground and a huge shopping centre). What I didn't see in this picture when I took it was the moon in the top middle... unless that's a spotlight of course! I seem to remember this was the Valencia match and Seville trounced Valencia completely.
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Palm Plot (QTEK 9100)
This looked like a good picture as we left the park that housed the Plaza de Espana. Well I thought it was good anyway. Nothing much to say about it other than the park is interesting, a mix of fountains and gardens and a strange man-made waterfall that is just large enough to be a waterfall and just small and man made enough to look silly (or theme parklike). What's worse is it froths like someone has put detergent in it or perhaps you are likely to get the mange from the water if you get too close.
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Isla Magica (QTEK 9100)
With a theme park on the card we headed off to the other side of the river for the Isla Magica, supposedly to do with Columbus but really just a bunch of rides for all the family. Well all the family who like rides I suppose. Nothing much to report here, it's a theme park and it's as you can imagine, rides, rubbish food and theatrical stuff. The 4d cinema seemed good until you went into the cinema next door. The 4d thing had moving seats and used 3d glasses but the thing next door had better moving seats and 360 degree screen. You all
Also had the chance to loose all the change in your pockets, something that I think marks a good ride. Nothings say quality so much as when you end up scrabbling on your knees for change.
Nothing to do with the picture which is a bit of the Berlin wall inexplicably dumped just off the exit. I did have to take a picture however.
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Euro 6000 (QTEK 9100)
I kept on seeing these signs all over the place on our travels and I could only assume one thing. That it was just like when the UK hosted Euro '96. Spain must be preparing or at least have sealed the deal for Euro 6000. With just under 4000 years to go there is no time to waste. As they always say, it sounds a long time away now but Euro 6000 will be here in a blink of a eye. Of course with such a long time to wait between now and then I suspect they will have the organization down to a tee.
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Seville Cathedral (QTEK 9100)
Not the best time to think of the photoblog really because this is the exit. Luckily I got some pictures with a real camera. Jostling with the fray to get a picture of the main bit of the church. It will all come out horribly wrong I suspect when developed. I did see a set of taps that I took a picture of the last time I was here, which was about umm I don't know perhaps 8-10 years ago. Weirdly enough I saw it with a strange feeling of happiness despite the fact that it would of course be there unchanged.
This picture is of the back of the Cathedral which looks similar to the garden in the Mesquita in Cordoba. Perhaps an early Catholic thing.
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Seville in the Morning (QTEK 9100)
From the top of the hotel you can see this first thing in the morning. First day of the holiday and we have a rooftop swimming pool (closed for winter) from which you get a rather good 360 degree view of Seville. Mind you being a little way from the centre it's impossible to see anything of note, unless you turn directly round where the football stadium blocks your view. I suspect the stadium isn't blocking much of note either. Lots of other pictures today but I am on a ration owing to my forgetting a travel plug. My hope is to buy one before needing a charge.
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Plaza de Espana (QTEK 9100)
This is one for the towers of the Plaza de Espana. Strange colours courtesy of the phone I am afraid... Well I'm not afraid, actually I quite like it. The Plaza is part of a large park with a semicircle crescent walkway with a huge fountain in the middle. Unfortunately our usual luck is with us and so the fountain was closed off by tents ready for some function or whether. I do have pictures of the crescent but with my bad luck again my pictures don't seem to be getting through. In which case I really do give up.
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