Cityscape's PicturesRoom at the Top (TYTN II)
At the risk of finding myself at an uber-modern hotel I booked to stay at the Macdonald hotel anyway for our Anniversary. After the disappointment of the uber-modern Hilton last year it was looking like a bad idea even whilst I was booking. I must admit I was pleasantly surprised. This being the view from the end of the top floor, the views are not bad at all, though it's probably not high enough this side of town for really impressive views. I do think that the reflecting in the windows make this picture as well as the window frames. Looking at the building it does make me wonder what the building was like to work in as a former BT building and how much of the original still exists
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Seville in the Morning (QTEK 9100)
From the top of the hotel you can see this first thing in the morning. First day of the holiday and we have a rooftop swimming pool (closed for winter) from which you get a rather good 360 degree view of Seville. Mind you being a little way from the centre it's impossible to see anything of note, unless you turn directly round where the football stadium blocks your view. I suspect the stadium isn't blocking much of note either. Lots of other pictures today but I am on a ration owing to my forgetting a travel plug. My hope is to buy one before needing a charge.
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