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Fountains's Pictures

I Went to Salerno and All I Got was this Lousy Picture
I Went to Salerno and All I Got was this Lousy Picture (TYTN II)

Read all the guidebook advice on Salerno. We read up but went anyway. Rudderless without our trusty guidebook we ambled aimlessly around the streets and back alleys hoping to stumble on something. More of a shopping place and even at it seemed strange as the shops appeared and then faded only to appear again. Mind you that might have been because we were wandering. Also since it's write-up was all about shopping I suspected grand shops and masses of them. It contained small interesting shops I suppose; full of jewellery, toys and groceries but not in the same shop you understand. Perhaps for the day-tripping souvenir hunter.

This is a picture of a water fountain that I assume had some statue in the middle of it. Now it's completely overgrown unless the overgrown bit is the whole point.

0 comments have been left17:08 20 Aug 2008Tags: statue overgrown salerno fountains italy
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Plaza de Espana Reprise
Plaza de Espana Reprise (Minolta X500)

Back to October because nothing interesting has happened for a while so I decide to post this little arty farty number. Taken with a film camera and partly ruined by the kind chaps at the print lab (the two splodges on it) but at least you can see what I was trying to get at. These pillars lead you from the outside bit of the Plaza de Espana into the fountain in the centre which as I probably mentioned previously was closed when we went. As you can see I was trying to get some depth into the photo which I may have done. From memory I'd arsed up the settings on the camera so I'm surprised anything cam out at all. It's a usual picture for me as it's all about repeated patterns.

0 comments have been left22:42 4 May 2008Tags: seville plaza de espana fountains bridge pillar spain
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More Fountains
More Fountains (Nisis DV5)

More of Piccadilly’s fountains. Not a bad shot, my other picture of them was better, in fact I had a better shot lined up that I never took. On a grim Saturday they do still look quite good and the smell of the food being cooked was very tempting, however we had China Town to get to for better fare.

0 comments have been left00:50 20 Aug 2006Tags: fountains piccadilly
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Park Hall Waterfall
Park Hall Waterfall (Nisis DV5)

After the fun and the funificatiousness off Park Philips Park comes the fun and funificatiousness of Park Hall or Camelot as you Earth people know it by. A hotel is in the park more or less with a waterfall to make the place look like... Switzerland I assume. It's a really nice hotel by the way even though it is 3 star (mind you we liked lots of 2 star hotels in Italy, they were basic but pretty good fun to be in, then again there were some bad ones too).

Weddings seemed to be the order of the day so we were a bit crowded out but still, a very interesting hotel, just a pity we forgot to pack swimming trunks or on the Saturday night I'd have had a dip in the pool, something I always try to do when the opportunity arises, however a few pints later after landing it was a good job that I couldn't be bothered finding a swimwear shop.

0 comments have been left09:07 29 Jul 2006Tags: camelot fountains
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Manchester Fountains
Manchester Fountains (Nisis DV5)

Same busyness as usual, just this time I have a visit to the centre of Manchester where I made time. Stupidly cold, so I had to pop in and out of shops to keep warm, but time for myself, which is ever precious. This is a picture of the fountains in Piccadilly gardens. However the gardens in Piccadilly have gone so I'm not sure what you call it now.

I did notice today that Manchester has got a pretty good skyline/view as far as buildings are concerned. I sort of knew this already because I did a tour of Manchester some years ago from a tourist leaflet, sounds tacky but there were some things that I never knew about Manchester that I do now.

0 comments have been left20:20 4 Mar 2006Tags: piccadilly fountains sky
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Chads Fountain
Chads Fountain (Sony Ericsson K700i)

Here are some more fountains just near Chets in Manchester. I did have another pic from another angle. I thought that the other one would be better, but no. This one looks OK to me.

0 comments have been left19:03 20 Nov 2005Tags: chads fountains manchester
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Town Hall Fountain
Town Hall Fountain (Sony Ericsson K700i)

Here's Albert Square with the fountain in the foreground, the European market beyond that and the tallest tower in Manchester being build in the background.

0 comments have been left19:02 20 Nov 2005Tags: fountains manchester hall tower
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Italian Fountain
Italian Fountain (Nisis DV5)

The fountain just at the end of the Italian Garden. Looked really lovely, again better in good light.

0 comments have been left21:32 12 Sep 2005Tags: italian fountains gardens
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