Piccadilly's PicturesI'm Loving Angels Instead (Pentax Optio 50)
Yes I'm back out and yes I am alive and kicking after an absence of taking pictures. Sorry about that. Back to the usual form of poor pictures and stuff. This time it contains the usual trip to Piccadilly gardens. With the ice rink moved to Spinningfields (that happened last year) Piccadilly is trying to entice you with three attractions and this isn't really one of them, sorry. They have a large Snow Globe that you can stand in and have your picture taken, there's a bungy trampoline thing (on the right in the picture) and a snow slide. I just liked this one. The rest were either just nondescript or boring. I'm not saying that this pic is going to win any awards just that it looks better, probably because it's darkish as you might have guessed the darker pics are my faves and with the grey cloud kicking in on what could only be described as a nice sunny wintery day it was a bit of a find.
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Skate Manchester Again (QTEK 9100)
It's that time of year again and the skating rink in Piccadilly is packed to the rafters as usual... or not as the case maybe. I don't know what was going on but I assume that skating was suspended because of the rain. All that was happening was this chap skating around doing what appeared to be a pointless task, brushing off the water as it came down but one man with a small brush was no match for the skies. Evn if it had stopped raining completely the problem was that there was only one of him and a lot of surface to cover. So instead of watching skaters frolicking about, we moved on.
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Skate Manchester (QTEK 9100)
This is a pic of the On Ice at Piccadilly thing that will be going on all over Xmas in Manchester Piccadilly (Gardens). Personally it looks too busy to me so I shan't be participating but I like the idea even with the orange skates.
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More Fountains (Nisis DV5)
More of Piccadilly’s fountains. Not a bad shot, my other picture of them was better, in fact I had a better shot lined up that I never took. On a grim Saturday they do still look quite good and the smell of the food being cooked was very tempting, however we had China Town to get to for better fare.
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Manchester Fountains (Nisis DV5)
Same busyness as usual, just this time I have a visit to the centre of Manchester where I made time. Stupidly cold, so I had to pop in and out of shops to keep warm, but time for myself, which is ever precious. This is a picture of the fountains in Piccadilly gardens. However the gardens in Piccadilly have gone so I'm not sure what you call it now.
I did notice today that Manchester has got a pretty good skyline/view as far as buildings are concerned. I sort of knew this already because I did a tour of Manchester some years ago from a tourist leaflet, sounds tacky but there were some things that I never knew about Manchester that I do now.
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Fog Again (Sony Ericsson K700i)
This is what the poor train drivers and passengers drive out into from Manchester Piccadilly… deep dense fog. I never got out of second gear driving from A to B it was so thick.
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Pea Souper (Sony Ericsson K700i)
This is back at Manchester Piccadilly and from the other end of the platform despite the fact like it looks like a tube station... I think.
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Freaky Fog (Sony Ericsson K700i)
This is sort of a bad pic, but only because you can't see what's going on too much. This is Manchester Piccadilly when you can't see the end of the platform. Not because it's dark but because there is fog in the station. Despite the strong lighting causing the k700i and the distance of the fog, you can just about see this abyss in the distance. It’s been like this all day.
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