Skate's PicturesSkate Manchester Again (QTEK 9100)
It's that time of year again and the skating rink in Piccadilly is packed to the rafters as usual... or not as the case maybe. I don't know what was going on but I assume that skating was suspended because of the rain. All that was happening was this chap skating around doing what appeared to be a pointless task, brushing off the water as it came down but one man with a small brush was no match for the skies. Evn if it had stopped raining completely the problem was that there was only one of him and a lot of surface to cover. So instead of watching skaters frolicking about, we moved on.
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Skate Manchester (QTEK 9100)
This is a pic of the On Ice at Piccadilly thing that will be going on all over Xmas in Manchester Piccadilly (Gardens). Personally it looks too busy to me so I shan't be participating but I like the idea even with the orange skates.
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