Berlin's PicturesMonolithic Memorial (Nikon D5300)
So it's been a busy day. Up at the crack of dawn because the hotel was on a busy intersection without any soundproofing. I think it was strangely a good thing to happen as we were up and out and were actually at the Brandenburg gates just before 9ish. Let's face it, we're in Berlin for 2 full days, so we'll have to chock it all in.
next up was Checkpoint Charlie. Now don't get me wrong, I would love to see Berlin as a city (in fact I naively thought that I would) but ultimately when you go somewhere like Berlin, there are places you just have to go to. There's no need to come back to work and have someone ask you if you've seen Checkpoint Charlie for you to say... "errr no, we headed for the tractor museum.", which is the wrong answer.
Anyway, the next order of the day was the Topology of Terror. At this point I think I'd seen all of the Berlin Wall history that I needed to know, that added and refreshed by history knowledge from school. Despite this (my disinterest with the wall and everything with it) we then went to the Wall Memorial. This was OK and as you could have guessed I saw the same thing as I saw previously in a different form. I think the most surprising thing was the watchtower as we left the Topology of Terror, I believe it's the last one remaining, but that could be wrong, but it doesn't appear to be as big as you would imaging, but then again I suspect it didn't need to be.
Last thing today was the Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe which was completely by accident. We were going back to the car and happened upon it. It's an impressive memorial, but I'm not 100 percent sure I understand it, though I suspect it t's supposed to look like tombs.Anyway, the picture today is of the memorial. There were a couple of pictures I liked and this is probably the best, but it's a close run thing, the other was of a single monolith itself. Perhaps I'll post it later on when I have time.
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When is an Airport not an Airport (Nikon D5300)
When it's Berlin Templehof, which happens to be a park now after it closed on 2008. So today was a little bit of driving from Hamburg to Berlin and when we got to Berlin there was no real need to rush about so we just headed for the old airport which was doubly good because it is right outside our hotel.However a lot of walking around was done before we got into ther airport... who knew that airports were so large. Turns out that the airport building is closed except for certain visiting times but the airfield is open as a park, and as usual with Germans, you can always buy a beer.
I think this is the head of a statue that wss put up at the time of Hitler. I'm only guessing because there were pictures of it being taken down, but I couldn't read the German underneath so I can't be sure. For those who are interested in photography then this also needed a bit of fill in flash, the sky was so overcast that everything would be underdeveloped.
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Isla Magica (QTEK 9100)
With a theme park on the card we headed off to the other side of the river for the Isla Magica, supposedly to do with Columbus but really just a bunch of rides for all the family. Well all the family who like rides I suppose. Nothing much to report here, it's a theme park and it's as you can imagine, rides, rubbish food and theatrical stuff. The 4d cinema seemed good until you went into the cinema next door. The 4d thing had moving seats and used 3d glasses but the thing next door had better moving seats and 360 degree screen. You all
Also had the chance to loose all the change in your pockets, something that I think marks a good ride. Nothings say quality so much as when you end up scrabbling on your knees for change.
Nothing to do with the picture which is a bit of the Berlin wall inexplicably dumped just off the exit. I did have to take a picture however.
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