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September's Pictures

Cleveleys Beach
Cleveleys Beach (Sony Ericsson K700i)

What could be more relaxing than spending the afternoon on Cleveleys beach, well perhaps not spending the afternoon on Cleveleys beach and being papmered by people tending to my every need. Due to the shortage of pamperers, it's Cleveleys beach for me.

0 comments have been left20:11 25 Sep 2005Tags: cleveleys beach sea
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Lighty Light
Lighty Light (Sony Ericsson K700i)

I liked this pic when I took it, not so sure I like it now. No it's not aliens, it's the lights that I have finally fixed above the wardrobes, though it might make a good pic. How wrong I was. Three transformers later the lights are on. Hooray!

0 comments have been left11:21 24 Sep 2005Tags: lights home
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More Grass Man
More Grass Man (Sony Ericsson K700i)

No I am not obsessing about grass... I am not!... OK I am. Another pic off... grass, just you can sort of see the squares that I marked out to sow it evenly. Pah enough of books telling you how to do the thing.

0 comments have been left11:19 24 Sep 2005Tags: grass home
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Young Grass
Young Grass (Sony Ericsson K700i)

Finally, enough of London, here's a shot of the grass that I planed just over a week ago. I am trying to seed a lawn and was concerned that it would all die. Here's the proof that at least something is happening with the seedlings. It was a welcome sight after a busy weekend. Mind you it didn't look anything like this when we left a day ago and now we have an inch of patchy grass, that's quick.

0 comments have been left21:34 12 Sep 2005Tags: grass home
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Big Ben by Night
Big Ben by Night (Sony Ericsson K700i)

The K700i again ruining what might have been a good shot of Big Ben.

0 comments have been left21:32 12 Sep 2005Tags: clock london
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Italian Fountain
Italian Fountain (Nisis DV5)

The fountain just at the end of the Italian Garden. Looked really lovely, again better in good light.

0 comments have been left21:32 12 Sep 2005Tags: italian fountains gardens
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Italian Garden
Italian Garden (Nisis DV5)

Heaver castle and it's Italian garden. Would have been great on a clear day, but mist and low could caused a few problems. The lake looks wonderful.

0 comments have been left21:31 12 Sep 2005Tags: italian gardens heaver
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Canary Wharf
Canary Wharf (Nisis DV5)

Canary Wharf in low cloud. Not a great pic, but the DV5 comes up trumps, it's the framing and the reflection that lets it down... i.e. me.

0 comments have been left21:30 12 Sep 2005Tags: wharf canary london tower
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Big Ben
Big Ben (Nisis DV5)

From the coach the DV5 kicked out this quite nice pic. Not great, I missed the very top, but we were moving some.

0 comments have been left21:29 12 Sep 2005Tags: clock london
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Audrey (Nisis DV5)

Our train and the carriage that we rode in on the Orient Express. It's great it's just like a living room flying through London at speed.

0 comments have been left21:28 12 Sep 2005Tags: train transport london orient
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London Eye in the Dark
London Eye in the Dark (Sony Ericsson K700i)

The london eye at night. The k700i giving all it could to make a really bad picture.

0 comments have been left21:27 12 Sep 2005Tags: london eye
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Buck House
Buck House (Sony Ericsson K700i)

Buck House, just down from the Ritz off Green Park. A quick walk from the Ritz because we were early.

0 comments have been left21:26 12 Sep 2005Tags: london house
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Ritzey Business
Ritzey Business (Sony Ericsson K700i)

Quick dump of pics here. We went to the Ritz this weekend for afternoon tea. Here's the outside. Not a stylish picture, bit nice inside!

0 comments have been left21:25 12 Sep 2005Tags: london ritz
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Solirize (Sony Ericsson K700i)

A picture out ouf our bathroom window with solirize added (a feature on the camera not that I can't solorize pictures after download) makes it look quite nice I think the patterned glass and the freaky colours.

0 comments have been left19:00 8 Sep 2005Tags: windows solirize glass
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