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Home's Pictures

Lighty Light
Lighty Light (Sony Ericsson K700i)

I liked this pic when I took it, not so sure I like it now. No it's not aliens, it's the lights that I have finally fixed above the wardrobes, though it might make a good pic. How wrong I was. Three transformers later the lights are on. Hooray!

0 comments have been left11:21 24 Sep 2005Tags: lights home
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More Grass Man
More Grass Man (Sony Ericsson K700i)

No I am not obsessing about grass... I am not!... OK I am. Another pic off... grass, just you can sort of see the squares that I marked out to sow it evenly. Pah enough of books telling you how to do the thing.

0 comments have been left11:19 24 Sep 2005Tags: grass home
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Young Grass
Young Grass (Sony Ericsson K700i)

Finally, enough of London, here's a shot of the grass that I planed just over a week ago. I am trying to seed a lawn and was concerned that it would all die. Here's the proof that at least something is happening with the seedlings. It was a welcome sight after a busy weekend. Mind you it didn't look anything like this when we left a day ago and now we have an inch of patchy grass, that's quick.

0 comments have been left21:34 12 Sep 2005Tags: grass home
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Pants Cat
Pants Cat (Sony Ericsson K700i)

Our poor cat, not only has he had to put up with my daughter, he how has to put up with someone putting a pair of knickers in his head. He puts up with everything admirably.

0 comments have been left18:52 14 Aug 2005Tags: cat knickers home
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All's Vine for Now
All's Vine for Now (Sony Ericsson K700i)

A new arrival a grape vine. What's going to happen to it no-one knows. There are grapes there, but they were on it when it was bought. Seen some new growth, who knows. I have this stupid wish to see it fill all three sides of the garden... it'll never survive winter. That's not a scarecrow, it's my daughter. The shot was worked out quite well, waiting for the sun to cast a shadow, getting my daughter in the correct place. It's the execution that let it down.

0 comments have been left20:14 6 Aug 2005Tags: vine home gardens
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Not So Grey Day
Not So Grey Day (Sony Ericsson K700i)

Early morning and the same picture out of our back window as a couple of days ago. The sky is better. Not that I obsess about the weather at all.

0 comments have been left05:26 6 Aug 2005Tags: home grey weather
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Grey Day
Grey Day (Sony Ericsson K700i)

I just liked the greyness of this. Looked better in person. I think the blue poking through the grey helps, a few seconds later as I was grabbing this off the camera the sky went completely grey and didn't look impressive at all.

0 comments have been left08:02 3 Aug 2005Tags: home weather
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Tree Pepper
Tree Pepper (Sony Ericsson K700i)

Anyone for peppers? Once again showing the K700i's problem with low light

This is a Pepper plant that my Wife bought. It looks lovely, and I really would like it to last (plants die in our house). However the peppers don't taste too great. Still looks it lovely though.

0 comments have been left00:19 31 Jul 2005Tags: peppers home plant
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