Tatton's PicturesIt's Oh So Quiet (Nikon D5300)
It's been a quite few weeks to be honest,mostly sat at home not going anywhere, oh apart from the weekend we went to throw a pot, but that didn't take all weekend and the rest of it was spent in the house. So apart from going stir-crazy, nothing has happened, so I was determined to go out this weekend, so to Tatton we went. Well we nearly didn't get there for various reasons which I shan't go into for reasons of interest i.e. it just isn't interesting.
Anyway so here we are at Tatton and I'm wondering whether on this rather overcast day I could have chosen a worse place to go. Out of all the places we could have gone. Don't get me wrong Tatton is a fine place to go, but I've been so many times. Also an overcast day at Tatton means there aren't that many photo ops, that is until I got this one. So out came my macro lens and I took a couple. Out of all of them, this is the only one that's in focus... macro photography is mighty difficult.
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Deer Deer (Nikon D5300)
Tatton Park again and what else would I be taking pictures of? Ducks, no that's Reddish Vales job to house ducks for the taking of pictures. No Tatton Park is the second place to go if you want to take pictures of Deer, naturally the first place is Dunham Masey, but since we didn't think we could take the excitement, we dialled it all the way back to number 2 and headed out to Tatton.
To be honest with the cold, deer were the only things of note, everything was safely tucked up in bed by the looks of it unlike the visitors to Tatton Park, so a quick tour it was, I bagged 50+ bad pictures of deer and then homeward bound.
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Wooden Pigs (Nikon D5000)
It's back to the carvings collection on a trip out to Tatton Park. After a cycle to Blackpool for the British Heart Foundation last weekend, this weekend was all about relaxation. So off to Tatton we went mainly to go to the farm which as you may know if you read this blog at all then as usual I have come away with a stock photo of a pig. If you don't believe me just type pig into the search box and see what happens... hmm I just did that, ti didn't seem too bad. OK the number of pictures I have isn't the problem, it's the fact that so many people click through from google after a search for pigs, and not just in English either.
Anyway this is a pig picture with a difference in that they pigs are wooden. What's quite interesting is that I also got a nearly identical picture of real pigs, it was uncanny. Anyway I liked the pic with the light and the sky behind (which is the way I planned it) as well as the fact that it's just quite a nice carving.
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It Just isnt Cricket... (Nikon D5000)
...and that's right (Well what do you expect from a Zamyatin article title?). Initially I thought it was a Cricket but apparently they are nocturnal so this must be a Grasshopper and what a clear pic we have. It must have been a very patient Grasshopper because I did hang about quite a bit trying to take the picture after it hopped onto my Wife's trousers. In fact once done it didn't want to go so she had to pick it up and drop it somewhere safe because beige trousers aren't exactly the best place to hide from the birds if you're a nice and tasty green insect. Anyway for those who care this was snapped on a long walk around Tatton Park on a supposedly rainy day that ended up being rather nice and overcast in patches. Of course the fact that it was overcast did make it really difficult to take good pictures as the light is just awful but every so often you get a lucky break like this one.
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An Amazing Maze (Nikon D5000)
So what do you do on Father's day? Well you just follow what everyone else wants to do as with every other weekend to be honest. So off we went to Tatton Park despite the Touring Cars being on TV and despite the fact that I just don't like mazes I was the dupe who accompanied my Daughter in the maze because my Wife wanted to have a lie down. I have a horrible feeling that we got this the wrong way round.
To be honest there was nothing to take pictures of in Tatton, the light was bad and even the promising pictures just looked cluttered, but perhaps that's just the feeling I had today after far a late night last night. The Japanese garden looked picturesque but again there were OK pictures but they all looked a little cluttered from the outside because you can't go in, so I too a snap to add to my wood carving collection. Oh and I forgot to say that this is in the middle of the maze, not sure if this makes you more or less inclined to get there.
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Beautiful Birds (QTEK 9100)
I have always wanted to get live action shots but with my very poor camermanship I can never do it with a one shot 35mm, so I have to rely on the Sports facility of the QTEK 9100. It takes one shot a second as long as you hold the shutter... well button. Quite hard to do as the viewfinder you have is the screen that freezes to take the picture so waving the camera phone in the air is the order of the day. This is an archive picture from 2006 when we were at Tatton Park. Why this picture now? Well I had a self levelling floor to lay and a kitchen to put back together. There was hope that I'd go down to Ossington Court which sounds better than is it. It's an empty block og flats and has been empty for years. I heard that Ian Simpson was going to renovate it but by the sounds of it the demands of the council made it unprofitable so the last I heard it was going to be demolished with a date of the 17th of March 2008. That date being in the past I suspect it's only a matter of time until it goes so I'd better hurry up. I don't know why I would like to take a pic of it but I drive past it on the M60 so many times it does make you wonder what's round it; and the fact that every window is broken perhaps panders to my love of the run down just like the Duke of Lancaster I suspect.
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Tatton Pigs (QTEK 9100)
Twice in one week I have been to Tatton and these are the pigs. Not a brilliant pic I know but a pic none the less. Nothing much to say about this other than this was when we went to the Harvest Festival at Tatton, where you could make Corn Dolls, watch a Blacksmith (Farrier in this case) and see Horses and Cows.
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Tatton Park Trees (QTEK 9100)
I'm not too chuffed that there's not been too much chance to test the picture quality of the QTEK9100. Don't get me wrong, this isn't a test drive site, but there has been too few times to take pictures. It's not from lack of opportunity in some ways. Stuck in traffic I noticed in Ashton the "Electric Car Depot" embossed in a building, though the opportunity wasn't really there... I was stuck in traffic and no time to get the camera ready, so here is one of the tests.
I did try and take pictures of the Deer and they were over exposed so you couldn't see them. Messing with the contrast helped nothing.
I did try and take a picture of a small 1cm frog that seemed a million miles from home in Tatton (not for me but for him) but this came out badly either from the camera being poor or the fact the frog was too near the camera. Either way you will have to suffice with this... sorry.
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