Pig's PicturesWooden Pigs (Nikon D5000)
It's back to the carvings collection on a trip out to Tatton Park. After a cycle to Blackpool for the British Heart Foundation last weekend, this weekend was all about relaxation. So off to Tatton we went mainly to go to the farm which as you may know if you read this blog at all then as usual I have come away with a stock photo of a pig. If you don't believe me just type pig into the search box and see what happens... hmm I just did that, ti didn't seem too bad. OK the number of pictures I have isn't the problem, it's the fact that so many people click through from google after a search for pigs, and not just in English either.
Anyway this is a pig picture with a difference in that they pigs are wooden. What's quite interesting is that I also got a nearly identical picture of real pigs, it was uncanny. Anyway I liked the pic with the light and the sky behind (which is the way I planned it) as well as the fact that it's just quite a nice carving.
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Liiittle Piiigies (Nikon D5000)
Even the stone cold heart of Zamyatin says that this is cute. I have flicked through several pictures many times and this one was a dilemma because I don't want to flood the market with pig pictures.
Needless to say that this is my best pig picture, and every time I look at it I wonder if it is in focus. Does it matter because it's Liiitele Piiigs.
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Like a Pig in Bugsworth (JVC Everio GZ-MS100)
More pigs, this time in... Bugsworth.
The sun came out so a walk was in order. Avoiding the obvious lures of Outlton Park we had a gentle walk along the Bugsworth Basin. With the road booming in the background it was less than idyllic but a nice walk all the same. However these pigs (only one in the shot of course) seemed to be happy enough with the sun and the dirt. Luckily they couldn't see the sign telling you that they were prime pork and could be bought whole or half or for sausages.
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Letting Sleeping Pigs Lie (Pentax Optio 50)
Back in Cholmondeley Castle in the rare breeds section. Here we Gloucester Black Spots having a kip after a hard days snuffling and all this walking and the two pints of Strongbow were making me feel like the same though I'm not sure I'd be comfortable as they were. Shortly after the picture was taken one of them decided that he could be more comfortable getting between two of them and he would have been right if they were happy with this proposal which they were not, at which point squealing started and a rumpus began. The main one in the picture was barely behind the fence with it's little body poking through the wire and you could imagine a short sleepy roll could find it on the wrong side and freedom.
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Apple Jack's Hero Pigs (Pentax Optio 50)
Apple Jacks's Farm was the order of the day today which on the whole is a strange place and not what you expect. With activities like Archery, an air pressure gun that fires tennis balls and a bouncy pillow to jump on it was defiantly not your average farm exhibit, so you wouldn't be surprised to find pig racing here which is what this is. Well it would have been pig racing if the pigs could be bothered. Today it was more a case of a man showing the pigs their lunch and then running off around the circuit twice which did work to some extent however the clever pigs decided that going the opposite way round the track to head their meal off.
I knew a few things about pigs but I never realised that “Pigs bite danger”. Perhaps it's these pigs that bite danger but I can't help feeling that the sign should be longer and say something to the effect of “Pigs bite danger, laugh in the face of adversity and tweak the nose of fear”.
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Pig Palace (QTEK 9100)
Ah the Pig Palace, it's a... Palace for Pigs and here it is the... Pig Palace where they can eat and have ribs apparently, not that I thought Pigs were to keen on ribs, but this is proof that they do... so there.
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Tatton Pigs (QTEK 9100)
Twice in one week I have been to Tatton and these are the pigs. Not a brilliant pic I know but a pic none the less. Nothing much to say about this other than this was when we went to the Harvest Festival at Tatton, where you could make Corn Dolls, watch a Blacksmith (Farrier in this case) and see Horses and Cows.
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