Birds's PicturesI have always wanted to get live action shots but with my very poor camermanship I can never do it with a one shot 35mm, so I have to rely on the Sports facility of the QTEK 9100. It takes one shot a second as long as you hold the shutter... well button. Quite hard to do as the viewfinder you have is the screen that freezes to take the picture so waving the camera phone in the air is the order of the day. This is an archive picture from 2006 when we were at Tatton Park. Why this picture now? Well I had a self levelling floor to lay and a kitchen to put back together. There was hope that I'd go down to Ossington Court which sounds better than is it. It's an empty block og flats and has been empty for years. I heard that Ian Simpson was going to renovate it but by the sounds of it the demands of the council made it unprofitable so the last I heard it was going to be demolished with a date of the 17th of March 2008. That date being in the past I suspect it's only a matter of time until it goes so I'd better hurry up. I don't know why I would like to take a pic of it but I drive past it on the M60 so many times it does make you wonder what's round it; and the fact that every window is broken perhaps panders to my love of the run down just like the Duke of Lancaster I suspect.
I just stepped out of my house for lunch and lunch on a Saturday when my daughter is choosing means a trip into town for Chinese Buffet which I am no fan of. If I really wanted average food I'd go and get a pre-packed ready meal. So since my daughter was choosing I was not in store for a trip into town. As I shut the front door all I could hear was a lot of birds cheeping and this is where they were all cheeping from. I quite like the picture myself even though it has nothing much about it so I decided to inflict it on you.
I must admit I have tried to get a picture of birds flying for a while and I set the QTEK9100 to Sports and it was rubbish, and then set it to Burst and it did the job. Not that either mode was right (sports mode is just the same as burst except when you release the picture button burst stops, sports carries on until the end of the pre-defined setting). This reminds me of Heligan Gardens where I saw a Dove flapping. If I had the time I would have camped out with my Mintolta, tripod and zoom lens but no. Instead we get this; which is pretty good (I think) as they flock around and around but nothing as impressive as I could get with a better camera. Don’t get me wrong I like this one. It's not a bad shot I think but I sometimes think the scatter-gun approach to photography is poor.