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Macro's Pictures

It's Oh So Quiet
It's Oh So Quiet (Nikon D5300)

It's been a quite few weeks to be honest,mostly sat at home not going anywhere, oh apart from the weekend we went to throw a pot, but that didn't take all weekend and the rest of it was spent in the house. So apart from going stir-crazy, nothing has happened, so I was determined to go out this weekend, so to Tatton we went. Well we nearly didn't get there for various reasons which I shan't go into for reasons of interest i.e. it just isn't interesting.

Anyway so here we are at Tatton and I'm wondering whether on this rather overcast day I could have chosen a worse place to go. Out of all the places we could have gone. Don't get me wrong Tatton is a fine place to go, but I've been so many times. Also an overcast day at Tatton means there aren't that many photo ops, that is until I got this one. So out came my macro lens and I took a couple. Out of all of them, this is the only one that's in focus... macro photography is mighty difficult.

0 comments have been left18:19 25 Oct 2015Tags: tatton park flower macro
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Norton Priory B Team
Norton Priory B Team (Nikon D5000)

Don't go it was a daft pun, really. Oh damn it you closed the browser down or navigated to youtube to watch a cat play the piano to calm yourself down. If you did come back then you have a treat in store... OK I lied it really doesn't get much better as I'm going to bore you for a little while on focal length.

Yes this is a bee at Norton Priory, a bit of Macro photography where the focal length is down to a couple of millimetres which means that as I stood there trying to take the picture, if I moved back more than a millimetre or so then it was all screwed. Luckily since I'm not really a robot I just moved back and forward until it looked right and snap. I have billions of these damn pictures now. All with bees doing something slightly flipping different.

Of course I came to the end of this run and thought... “The bees keep on flying away”, yeah I don't think it was thought on the scale of Plato or Archimedes or even Homer... unless it's Simpson of course. Well the thought was more than that it was more that I could try and take a shot of a bee in flight. By this time I could sort of guess when they were going to take flight so I waited.... and I waited... and I waited... and my Daughter asked when we were going. Hmmm interesting question. It's a garden with lots of space and other things at no point have I shackled anyone to my ankle, it's not like Sainsburys where if I spend more than a second selecting toilet paper then my Wife and Daughter are off in a flash meaning I then spend the next 10 minutes hunting for them, no it's a garden that to be honest I wouldn't object to walking around on my own and occasionally check for Wife and Daughter... occasionally.

Anyway back to the bees flying. After about 10 minutes of sticking to this bee I decided that I must have chosen the only bee in the place that was having a snooze. This is after I chased if from one flower to another... we walked off and 10 minutes later it was still there. Tired bee.

0 comments have been left20:16 17 Jul 2012Tags: flower norton bee macro
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It Just isnt Cricket...
It Just isnt Cricket... (Nikon D5000)

...and that's right (Well what do you expect from a Zamyatin article title?). Initially I thought it was a Cricket but apparently they are nocturnal so this must be a Grasshopper and what a clear pic we have. It must have been a very patient Grasshopper because I did hang about quite a bit trying to take the picture after it hopped onto my Wife's trousers. In fact once done it didn't want to go so she had to pick it up and drop it somewhere safe because beige trousers aren't exactly the best place to hide from the birds if you're a nice and tasty green insect. Anyway for those who care this was snapped on a long walk around Tatton Park on a supposedly rainy day that ended up being rather nice and overcast in patches. Of course the fact that it was overcast did make it really difficult to take good pictures as the light is just awful but every so often you get a lucky break like this one.

0 comments have been left20:09 4 Sep 2011Tags: grasshopper tatton insect macro
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Its Nature Month
Its Nature Month (Nikon D5000)

Ah ha it's nature month. Moving on from animals it's now onto flowers. Obviously I have no idea what these are because I am no gardener so I can't tell you what IU can tell you is that they are in Whitly Court's garden as this weekend has been a short tour of English Heritage places, the first of which was Kenilworth Castle but Witley Court was the more interesting with its fountain and the unfortunate fire that ultimately lead to it's ruin. The gardens at Witley are impressive and very colourful as you can see from the picture. There is even a link to where we stayed at Ansty Hall which is detailed on the English Heritage site so a full house... and yes it's a hotel now, we haven't gone up in the world unlike one of the visitors at Witley Court who seemed to suggest that he had been there, however I doubt that we would have been around pre 1937 when the fire gutted one of the halls so I can only assume he was attached to the scrap merchants who stripped the place.

Anyway back to the pic, not a great deal to say other than I cracked the zoom lens out and put it into macro mode whilst I lay on the floor but I like the picture less about the flower in focus and more about the rest of the colours in the backdrop.

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19:30 17 Apr 2011Tags: flower witley gardens macro
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Just Say Ahh
Just Say Ahh (FujiFilm FinePix 1600)

On a trip tp Arley Hall I took this. I wouldn't mind but I waited a while until there was nobody in shot. I was trying out the Macro mode on the camera and the suddenly someone appered, so I changed my angle and took the shot like a bad marksman. You can see her arm on the right.

The picture is of a lamb stone sculpture around a fountain at Arley Hall.

0 comments have been left00:15 25 Jul 2010Tags: arley lamb macro sculpture stone
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Anson Engine Museum
Anson Engine Museum (FujiFilm FinePix 1600)

Off out this week to test my new FinePix 1600 at the Anson Engine Museum. Not too many good pictures unfortunately so it's not a great place to take pictures unless of course you're a hardened engine head which I think the people who turned up at the same time as us were because one of them turn around to me and said “Do you have many engines?” not really understanding the question becase it initially sounded absurd assumed he wanted to know if the museum had many engines so simply said “Yeah they have loads of different types here” thinking it was a daft question to pose only to be faced with the absurd question again “No, do you have many engines?” and that's when it hit me that to him this was not an absurd question. I was pretty sure that answering “yes I have 2, a Proton 1.6 and a Ford 1.4” was not what he was after.

Anyway back to the museum. It's an interesting place with a guide that starts up the engines and well worth a visit if you're in the area. None of the engines are huge beasts that are half as impressive as the machine in Astley Green Colliery but that would be pretty hard to beat however the guide did mentioned that they were planning to bring in a larger machine as an exhibit.

Well with none of the pictures really turning out that good, I'll have to leave you with this shot of a turn of the century Poynton. I selected Macro mode which to be honest works fantastically but I never got down close enough to the ground to actually get the feel of actually being there. Of course now Poynton looks a bit different though not greatly different to be honest.

0 comments have been left21:24 16 May 2010Tags: engine poynton museum anson macro
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