March's PicturesArch in Trentham (Nisis DV5)
I saw this arch and decided it might look like a good picture and I don't think it went to badly even though I say so myself. It's a view from the house (I think it's a house, we didn't get to Trentham Gardens to late so we had little time to look around) looking towards the massive lake. It would have been good to look more around the house though there was little time.
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Trentham Italian Gardens (Nisis DV5)
More pictures of Italian gardens, this time not in Heaver Castle but as the title suggests in Trentham Gardens. As you can see by the picture it was a quite nice and sunny day. What you can't see is that it was a little cold but still nice enough. With only an hour to go before the gardens closed there wasn't much time to look around, so perhaps they will be worth another look when the weather is warmer and when we can get there earlier.
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Monkeying About (Nisis DV5)
Here's a picture of a one of the many Barbary Macaques at the Trentham Monkey Forest. I have loads of other pictures but bearing in mind that they are also just pictures of monkeys I shall not post any more. They have a load of monkeys wandering about the forest all minding their own business whilst visitors troll around the paths watching them.
It's a good place to go if you like monkeys but apart from Monkeys there's nothing else to see, though the people who walk around who work there are very helpful and do help out by explaining stuff about individual monkeys, though I suspect mainly they are there to protect the people from the monkeys and protect the monkeys from the people.
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Eccles Cakes (QTEK 9100)
Whilst this weekend has again be a little bit of a disaster as far as weekends go in that I was working for a bit of it, a bit of visiting and my Wife was out having fun at friends for part of it, so I was let loose in the house for a swathe of this weekend. Unfortunately this swathe was mainly spent working so I didn't get to watch the films that she would never in a million years watch. I did however get time to try a recipe for Eccles Cakes. The only problem with them is that (as you can see here) I forgot to make some steam holes for them but to be honest that didn't seem to affect them at all, what did seem strange with this recipe is that the filling almost tasted like mincemeat from mince pies which is completely wrong. I should know I've eaten enough Lancashire Eccles Cakes in my time and I cycle past a Lancashire Eccles Cakes factory every morning with it's buttery smell making me either queasy or hungry depending on my mood. However they do taste great, the only problem now is what to do with them all.
The weekend did start well though with an Istanbul Café Mixed Chargrill, a feast for a Friday night or after watching the Chuckle Brothers next door as we did once. There's nothing better than a few Effes with a ton of Donner Meat slapped on top of Pita which soaks up the juices with a few chops and chicken and kebabs for company. I'm starting to make myself hungry.
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Clayton Hall (QTEK 9100)
Just down from St Cross is Clayton Hall and this is what can only be classed as another classic QTEK9100 moment. It's a poor picture of the hall that apparently passed into the hands of Byron as it says many places. It's a strange place with a moat and outside that the usual East Manchester scenery, housing, industrial units, pubs and a few shops sprinkled. For more information you can go to Manchester City Councils Page which is frankly rubbish not mention of Byron which you'd have thought would have been top of the list as for when it opens... well nothing, there's not even a mention of the 2007 Christmas thing going on there on the 15th of December.
For a better view look at Wikipedia's page on Clayton Hall. As usual Wikipedia wins the day and is a more interesting read... how much of this is true of course is up for debate... only joking. Despite the pictures on the previous sites I still reckon my poor shot of the hall is definitely better than both of them, the only problem with my picture is the horseless carriage in the foreground.
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St Cross Church (QTEK 9100)
This is proof that I do leave the house and not just to go to work, it was a trip to go shopping so I don't think I score any points there, however this was a detour that I think gains me some creativity points. On the way back from Asda (which was after and before going to Sainsburys to get Mothers Day stuff) I stopped at St Cross Church, the place where my Grandmother is buried. This is the second time I have been here... not this is perhaps the third time but the second time here for anything but a funeral. Again I didn't find find my the grave, but I mainly focused on the place I remember it to be which is near an entrance we entered years ago for my Aunt's funeral that you can no longer enter. Was young at the time and I didn't know until told years later that this was the church but when I first came her after that did seem to tie everything together. Mind you memories are such strange things.
Anyway this is a side angle of the church and in typical QTEK9100 style the picture is bad, but then again it's another one of those overcast bright days that most cameras do struggle with unless you have a little control of the camera. It will pass as a picture.
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Jodrell Bank Revisited (Nisis DV5)
Yes again it's a slow picture week, busy busy busy. This has to change soon as I'm getting tired of trawling through old pictures to put up, I'd much prefer to get out there and actually take some.
Here's a picture of the side of the dish at Jodrell Bank, I think it's a matter of taste put I like the part shot here rather than trying to get the whole thing in I think it makes it more interesting. It could of course be mistaken for a bad picture... you decide.
0 comments have been left | 15:22 11 Mar 2007 | Tags: dish jodrell | Make a Comment
Llandudno Promenade (Nisis DV5)
Ah it's archive pictures again back from July 2006, so as you can guess it's been a busy week and the weekends have not been my own to go out and take something interesting which is pretty poor, even this weekend has been taken over by others and so with the expectation that tomorrow should be no difference, I decided to run an archive so that at least there's something different here at least every two weeks.
So here's a picture of Llandudno's Promenade. It was a pretty warm day as you can see by the picture, I seem to remember this was also the day my brother and his wife attempted to fold their pop-up tent back into the back it popped-up from. The whole process appears to be simple but thirteen minutes later wire cutters were looking preferable.
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