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Monkeys's Pictures

Llandudno Monkey Business
Llandudno Monkey Business (JVC Everio GZ-MS100)

Fully fed up with work it was off to Llandudno but initially the Welsh Mountain Zoo. I only remembered after being there for a few hours of our last time here where I think I got a little grumpy about the Pokomon-like visiting that we did. It was nothing about enjoying the trip it was all about seeing every last thing like some mad collector.

It wasn't that bad this time but at one time it did look like it could have happend that way. Note to self, if my wife wants to go to the Welsh Mountain Zoo, decline the offer politely, not that it's a bad place to be honest.

Here we have a couple of moneys in the enclosure for your Delightment. They were playing about to their hearts content that day climbing all over the place as monkeys do.

0 comments have been left22:07 26 Apr 2010Tags: llandudno monkeys zoo clouds
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Monkeying About
Monkeying About (Nisis DV5)

Here's a picture of a one of the many Barbary Macaques at the Trentham Monkey Forest. I have loads of other pictures but bearing in mind that they are also just pictures of monkeys I shall not post any more. They have a load of monkeys wandering about the forest all minding their own business whilst visitors troll around the paths watching them.

It's a good place to go if you like monkeys but apart from Monkeys there's nothing else to see, though the people who walk around who work there are very helpful and do help out by explaining stuff about individual monkeys, though I suspect mainly they are there to protect the people from the monkeys and protect the monkeys from the people.

0 comments have been left18:42 31 Mar 2007Tags: monkeys trentham forrest
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