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Forrest's Pictures

Monkeying About
Monkeying About (Nisis DV5)

Here's a picture of a one of the many Barbary Macaques at the Trentham Monkey Forest. I have loads of other pictures but bearing in mind that they are also just pictures of monkeys I shall not post any more. They have a load of monkeys wandering about the forest all minding their own business whilst visitors troll around the paths watching them.

It's a good place to go if you like monkeys but apart from Monkeys there's nothing else to see, though the people who walk around who work there are very helpful and do help out by explaining stuff about individual monkeys, though I suspect mainly they are there to protect the people from the monkeys and protect the monkeys from the people.

0 comments have been left18:42 31 Mar 2007Tags: monkeys trentham forrest
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Delamare Forrest
Delamare Forrest (QTEK 9100)

Today's outing was to Delamare Forrest a 4000 acre wood just near Tarporley. All very nice I suppose but for me there wasn't much there but trees. One of those places I get the feeling people sit in a car for an hour to get to to make them feel that they are counteracting the heart stopping fat consumed by yesterday's Christmas meal. I suppose what didn't help was the fact that today was really overcast a nice sunny day may have altered my opinion. Also I suspect that the Forrest on the other side of the road may have been more interesting as it had a lake.

On the way to we saw a rather interesting pub called the Vale Royal Abbey. Retracing our steps on the way back we popped in. It was only then when I found it was a Hungry Horse pub at which my heart sank. For once I thought that I may have a chance to go to a different pub other than the usual corporate child-friendly affair (don't get me wrong I don't intend to go to child hating pubs but the corporate happy eater jungle bungle sites leave me a little cold) but we had stumbled upon just that where food is deep-fried on order from pre-sealed pouches. It was food, it was a pub and that's about it.

0 comments have been left16:48 26 Dec 2006Tags: delamare forrest tree symmetry
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