Trentham's PicturesOutta Here (Nikon D5000)
On a visit to Trentham Gardens we saw this Rhino running away from the crumbling hall, it's a shame because the hall has been like this with nothing done to it every time we have been there yet despite this there is a plaque to say that the building will be incorporated into a 5 star hotel. Lets hope they plan to do this before the hall falls down.
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Trentham Monkey... Squirrel Forest (Nikon D5000)
Whoa such a tiring day today. Not just did we do Trentham Gardens in a sort of mistaken identity but we did the Monkey Forest next door too. Now I'm shattered since we walked from one to the other and all around the Money Forest.
I say mistaken identity because I mixed up a load of memories and thought that that the Italian Fountain at Hever Hall was here which of course it wasn't because it was at... Hever. Either way the memories of our first trip to Trentham came flooding back.
Of course this pic is of the Monkey Forest with a squirell of course and a Monkey in the background. The monkeys are great but the problem is that every time I pointed the camera at a money they turn their backs... I think they knew. Also to be honest, one picture of a monkey is as good as another so I now have a bunch of photos of monkeys in different poses, hence this pic.
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Arch in Trentham (Nisis DV5)
I saw this arch and decided it might look like a good picture and I don't think it went to badly even though I say so myself. It's a view from the house (I think it's a house, we didn't get to Trentham Gardens to late so we had little time to look around) looking towards the massive lake. It would have been good to look more around the house though there was little time.
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Trentham Italian Gardens (Nisis DV5)
More pictures of Italian gardens, this time not in Heaver Castle but as the title suggests in Trentham Gardens. As you can see by the picture it was a quite nice and sunny day. What you can't see is that it was a little cold but still nice enough. With only an hour to go before the gardens closed there wasn't much time to look around, so perhaps they will be worth another look when the weather is warmer and when we can get there earlier.
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Monkeying About (Nisis DV5)
Here's a picture of a one of the many Barbary Macaques at the Trentham Monkey Forest. I have loads of other pictures but bearing in mind that they are also just pictures of monkeys I shall not post any more. They have a load of monkeys wandering about the forest all minding their own business whilst visitors troll around the paths watching them.
It's a good place to go if you like monkeys but apart from Monkeys there's nothing else to see, though the people who walk around who work there are very helpful and do help out by explaining stuff about individual monkeys, though I suspect mainly they are there to protect the people from the monkeys and protect the monkeys from the people.
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