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January's Pictures

Ancoats Dispensary 2
Ancoats Dispensary 2 (Sony Ericsson K700i)

The front of Ancoats Hospital as was. The blue bit is a fence to stop you getting in there, as it is to be demolished. It would be interesting to know more about the building such as when it stopped being a hospital and when it was shut up, perhaps after a little investigation I shall know.

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19:25 29 Jan 2006Tags: ancoats hospital dispensary derelict disused
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Fancy Lighting 2
Fancy Lighting 2 (Sony Ericsson K700i)

Another picture of the street lights in Ancoats that looked pretty impressive... well I say that and in some ways they are just a little industrial for my liking. On the right is Ancoats hospital where my Wife's Granddad died, on the left you can just make out seats for people to sit and overlook a fence and some houses.

0 comments have been left19:23 29 Jan 2006Tags: ancoats hospital lights
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Ancoats Dispensary
Ancoats Dispensary (Sony Ericsson K700i)

Also during our trip to Ancoats we found Ancoats Hospital, a now delapidated building, but as is my way with all old buildings I like it, what would be good would be to go inside and see the what it's like. Doubtless you can see history within there of all the changes to the building since it was built. It now stands there awaiting demolition probably for some more apartments; you never know perhaps the new Islington Wharf is something to do with it, as this is very close.

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19:20 29 Jan 2006Tags: ancoats demolition hospital dispensary
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Fancy Lighting
Fancy Lighting (Sony Ericsson K700i)

Driving through Ancoats (well not just Ancoats the trip was Ancoats, City Centre, Adrwick, Ancoats, Centre, Adrwick, Ancoats and then home) we stumbled onto this street in Ancoats. It's not a great picture and again the k700i didn't help, but I did set the contrast wrong so I had to adjust the brightness and contrast; whilst doing this improves the picture it would have been better to get it right in the first place.

These things in the middle of the road are streetlights and looked quite interesting with the sun low in the sky. In fact you can probably tell the lowness of the sun by the length of my shadow at the left of the picture that I have only just noticed. Of course I never saw this at the time due to the failing of many digital cameras in that they have a screen that you view from a distance and in high contrast lighting where your back is to the sun you can't make out a damn thing on the screen. Mind you facing the other way isn't any better. You would have thought that after the number of years of camera development they would have thought of this when they produced modern digital cameras but no But then again picture quality isn't what these cameras are about, it's about megapixels, storage space and image and style.

0 comments have been left19:15 29 Jan 2006Tags: ancoats lights
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Manchester Tower with Lights
Manchester Tower with Lights (Sony Ericsson K700i)

After going to the Istanbul Cafe in Manchester we walked back to the car. Since I am always a fan of cityscapes, here's a reasonable picture of the new tower in Manchester that will grace our skyline.

Of course the picture is slightly ruined a little by me not cropping the picture and the k700i lengthening the exposure and not giving me any clue that camera shake might change the shot.

0 comments have been left19:05 29 Jan 2006Tags: tower carpark
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Rollie Train Pic
Rollie Train Pic (Rollei 35b)

This is a very bad picture of the steam train that went through Denton a while back. This is the Rollei version, unfortunately when I scanned it, it clipped the top third off as the scanner didn't "see" any important detail in it. Of course the main problem with that is it’s unbalanced the picture and I haven’t had the time to fix this. Perhaps one day.

0 comments have been left17:42 8 Jan 2006Tags: steam train transport denton
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I am a Free Man
I am a Free Man (Minolta X500)

Another view of the pool at Portmeirion. A place to go, wquite wierd in some ways, but very pretty.

0 comments have been left17:38 8 Jan 2006Tags: portmeirion pool
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I am not a Number
I am not a Number (Minolta X500)

This is a picture of the main bit or Portmeirion all the houses look down onto this. I'm pretty sure it used to be paved around the pool, though after reading bit about the place it apparently took 70 years to build (the whole place not the pool), and the pool used to be tennis court. I like the pool better.

0 comments have been left17:37 8 Jan 2006Tags: portmeirion pool
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Concrete Boat
Concrete Boat (Minolta X500)

This is the concrete boat in Portmeirion, doesn't sound such a successful sailing craft and you're be right because it doesn't sail. It's moored to the promenade with brick. I did think of taking my video camera at that moment and hand it to my Wife and pretending to be in The Prisoner. but decided against this as I would meet up with strange looks from tourists and my Wife alike.

0 comments have been left17:35 8 Jan 2006Tags: portmeirion boat concrete beach
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Curvy Cat
Curvy Cat (Lomo Fisheye)

Just a quick picture of our cat with the Lomo Fisheye camera. This is just about the best picture it has taken, the rest of the pictures were too dark (I put a 100ASA film in the camera and it needs a 400) or they were flooded with flash making us all look like people from the Adams Family. This one I like, thought the processing seems to have left a few marks on our poor cat. Mind you despite that he's doing his all to look ferret like.

0 comments have been left17:31 8 Jan 2006Tags: cat
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