Dispensary's PicturesAncoats Dispensary 2 (Sony Ericsson K700i)
The front of Ancoats Hospital as was. The blue bit is a fence to stop you getting in there, as it is to be demolished. It would be interesting to know more about the building such as when it stopped being a hospital and when it was shut up, perhaps after a little investigation I shall know.
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Ancoats Dispensary (Sony Ericsson K700i)
Also during our trip to Ancoats we found Ancoats Hospital, a now delapidated building, but as is my way with all old buildings I like it, what would be good would be to go inside and see the what it's like. Doubtless you can see history within there of all the changes to the building since it was built. It now stands there awaiting demolition probably for some more apartments; you never know perhaps the new Islington Wharf is something to do with it, as this is very close.
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