Disused's PicturesTake Me Round Dougga (Nikon D5000)
Just back from a week in Tunisia. We started out by spoiling ourselves by going to Dougga, which was qute a drive from Hammamet but well worth it. It's a huge Roman settlement that set on the top of a hill and it is just massive. We must have walked around it fro about an hour or two and still we didn't see the whole thing. It's also amazing that they allow people just to roam around it with little of it out of bounds. Of course there is an entrance fee and just like everything in Tunisia, if you take your camera then that will cost you extra but hey it's brilliant and what with us going out of season, it was all deserted.
This is a pic of one of the guides with little to do as there was no-one there except for us and we had decided against a guide. At least here they as you if you want a guide, other places in Tunisia they just latch onto you and before you know it, from just a casual hello you end up having a guide who starts trying to steer you round, of course the catch with all of this is that they will want payment. One of these guys I caught early and paid him to go away 2 Dinar (or De Niros as my Daughter called them) wasn't such a high price to pay as it's only 84p. He seemed happy anyway, and I was happy for him to go away.
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Getting Stranded (Nikon D5000)
Which is a good start because this is the Duke of Lancaster which in itself is stranded on the coast near Mostyn. Of course I have been here before, but a while back I found that it had been painted... well graffitied to be honest and I wanted to see what they looked like. Of course since then I think other people have been busy and a few more have popped up as it hit the BBC news site though what is strange is that all but one of the works are on the other side of the ship which is not accessible to the public, so I can't help feel that the whole trip was a bit of a waste of time.
Feeling a little disappointed but with a few pictures captured (even after my Eye-Fi card decided to play up causing me to scurry around for a backup memory card) we set off back towards the direct path from the road, only to find that the tide had come in which not only flooded the path but made the water level on the path t come up to just below waist height. Now in an emergency this might have still been a viable route but finding a way down the path without falling into the river to the side may have been difficult so it was a detour down the coast in suede boots that were not really sited to yomping across fields. Of course yomping was the least of my worries keeping them on in the inches of mud were, I suddenly had images of the classic episode of the Good Life where Barbara tries to help but in the place of Barbara was me... in suede shoes. It wasn't a good look. It was a less of a good look at the end of the detour.
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Gateway Metrolink Station (Pentax Optio 50)
This particular place was found by accident. Today the aim was to get out of the house to attempt to avoid the immense building work going on in the house. The attempt today was to find a red plaque on Bank Street which is where Manchester United old ground was. After four drive pasts I decided that the security camera outside the Police Station would definitely have clocked me so decided to abort the trip and have a quick drive out. After about 10-15 minutes I came to Oldham Rd and saw this strange structure which is Gateway Metrolink Station. Not in use and probably never to be used it's set in rather sparse place right next to a rather new and clinical set of office blocks called Central Park which has a nice sign that gives it a vibrant feel, however the it's one of those places that has so few pedestrians and road traffic that it almost feels threatening. What's weird is that right next to the Metrolink line there is a railway line which makes you wonder what the Metrolink line would have actually be used for. I suspect the train line is for people who want to get to their destination now whereas the Metrolink will be for those who want to get to their destination at some point... this week.
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The Duke of Lancaster Too (Pentax Optio 50)
This is the front view of the Duke of Lancaster. This time it appears to be trying to sail down a rather shallow river. It's concreted in so I think there's no fear of that, also they have dropped anchor for some reason, perhaps that just in case the rust holds and the concrete gives way.
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The Duke of Lancaster (Pentax Optio 50)
Slightly bored on Thursday I took a virtual flight along the coast from Llandudno towards home using Google Earth. Yes I was that bored. I decided that taking the coast would be more interesting than taking the usual A55. As I flew I checked the occasional links or interesting features, One of which was Mostyn's Port. Dragging slowly back down the coast I saw this funny mark that looked a little like a ship. Thinking that it would just be a ship at a port I zoomed in, after all they are aerial photos that capture cars and people, so I didn't expect it to be there until I found this link which caught my interest. After a bit more searching I found out that it was a boat that served up until the 70's when it was turned into Mostyn's Fun boat, a use that finished in the 80's. Needless to say that I had to see this for myself.
What's strange about the ship is that it eerily looks almost like it's waiting for people to board at a port and yet it's quite obvious that it's not moving at all from all the rust. Despite this from the car park it looks like a boat that is in a field and it's on it's way to you.
For more information and a quick map to where this place is then there is more information here but in short it is just about opposite of Park Gate where we went in October.
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Closed Pleasureland (QTEK 9100)
This is a picture from between Xmas and New Year. I'm only putting this up because someone did a search for Pleasureland and found this site, so being a little late with everything as usual here's a pic of Southport's Pleasureland.
I must admit I am always attracted to closed or run down or abandoned places I don't know why, probably part of a "romantic" idea of being able to imagine the things that happened that you can gain from places like this only when they are closed and the hurly burly (or perhaps not since it closed) has disappeared.
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Ancoats Dispensary 2 (Sony Ericsson K700i)
The front of Ancoats Hospital as was. The blue bit is a fence to stop you getting in there, as it is to be demolished. It would be interesting to know more about the building such as when it stopped being a hospital and when it was shut up, perhaps after a little investigation I shall know.
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