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Carpark's Pictures

Church Street Car Park
Church Street Car Park (Nisis DV5)

Not knowing a great deal about some places in Manchester is a little problem I have. This doesn't help the photoblog at all, in fact it hinders it somewhat especially when the photoblog is about Manchester. I'm sure the few who "tune in" have a titter now and then when I say something thinking "didn't he even know that!". So time to start tittering.

This is a picture of the side of Church Street Car Park. It's a strange place for this plaque to hang in that it's an NCP concrete monstrosity that we can't do without that was probably built in the 60's or possibly more likely the 70's and yet on the side we have this.

Now my assumption is that this plaque was initially installed in a church and that church used to be on Church Street because I don't see a church now, unless I have missed it which may cause some tittering, it's probably behind me at the time the picture was taken. People wondering why a Mancunian didn’t know anything of the famous church on Church Street will cause more tittering.

Update: Looks like it's not just Manchester history that lets me down it's my reading. I finally read the plaque which I hadn't fully the first time and it refers to a place called J&N Philips which stood where the car park now stands, for more info Click Here.

0 comments have been left00:42 20 Aug 2006Tags: plaque memorial carpark
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Manchester Tower with Lights
Manchester Tower with Lights (Sony Ericsson K700i)

After going to the Istanbul Cafe in Manchester we walked back to the car. Since I am always a fan of cityscapes, here's a reasonable picture of the new tower in Manchester that will grace our skyline.

Of course the picture is slightly ruined a little by me not cropping the picture and the k700i lengthening the exposure and not giving me any clue that camera shake might change the shot.

0 comments have been left19:05 29 Jan 2006Tags: tower carpark
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