Christmas's PicturesPages Beware for Your Lost Things (Nikon D5000)
On a trip to the Eiffel Tower I saw this sign. Now I knmow what it means, I just think the sign justseems a little silly and a little confusing. It's not as if it is general in that all things are going to be destroyed, it's a particular lost thing, perhaps even a lost thing you lost years ago. If it's a specific lost thing lost years ago, it does appear to be pretty cruel. Not only are they going to take the trouble to track down that lost thing of yours and go to the time and trouble of all that, but they are going to then destroy it and presumably not tell you about it. Those are some pretty serious mind games for you. Of course the bottom of the sign seems to suggest items that you may have lost such as a motorbike, bicycle and a pram, presumably without a child in it, but even that's not 100% from here. Weird huh?
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Shepherds Following the Star (Nikon D5000)
It's a weird on this. It all started on Christmas day. We looked out of the hotel room and saw this light in the sky beaming down (or more probably beamiung from groiund to the sky, but who knows). Of course you might imagine that this has happened before, I think there is a story about it, I just can't quite remember. Anyway after much discussion we decided to head out and look for the source. A couple of people said it was the Eiffel Tower, but I suspected not bearing in mind where it was in relation to the hotel. I was pretty sure it was in the Place de Vendom. It was at the Place de Vendom I started to think the light in the sky was the moon, it was looking quite likely, however I was sure that there was more to it, because in the hotel there were definately beams going up... or down. Anyway like three Shepherds on the first Christmas, however the first Christmas wasn't on the 25th and there were 4 of us, and none of us could heard sheep. Apart from that, it was quite spiritual following the light to find. A square. No not the baby Jesus, the Place De Madelaine where spotlights were being projected into the sky to a point.
Think there were quite a few good pictures taken here, but this might be the best, but who knows.
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Paris Lock-in (Nikon D5000)
Another busy day with walking all over the place to the Pompidou Centre and joining a queue for something unknown just to get in to find that it was just the entrance to the place itself. Of course turn the corner and there's another entrace and it has no queue at all. You live and learn huh? We allso fitted in Notre Dame as well, so wilst these things aren't that far apart, collectively, it's been a busy day what with the trip from the hotel and back again. Add to that walking around a subterranean mall and you have yourself one very varied day. Of course now it's back at the hotel for a well earned beer or two.
This picture is of Ponte du Neuf where lovers attach padlocks inscribed with their names. I don't think this is te most famous place to do it, however this is a place and I have a picture of it so there. I think we passed the real one which I believ featered in a film that neither my daughter or I could remember the name of. Never mind, I don't remember it being any good.
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A View From the Hotel (Nikon D5000)
It's been quite a long day, in fact quite a long two days starting with a rather scary flight what with the horrendous wind causing turbulence and a landing that now has me cause for concern in future. A fear that I have previously escaped due to ignorance. It came as a huge surprise once the wheels hit the ground that the aircraft lurched wildly across the tarmac. Anyway, life's tough huh, the rest has just been just the usual for a Christmas in Paris. So this morning it was down the Champs-Élysées for a gander at the Christmas markets and off to the Arc du Triomph. Mind you that's a lot of walking.
Anyway, before all that that there was a bit of walking around the Louver before anyone had awoken and after that there was this pic which is a view from the hotel room. It did require me to hang outof the room hoping that I had a proper grip on the camera. Along with all of this it was put oin timer, the screen was flipped out so that I had some approximation of what I was taking. Even so I am so glad it came out so clear, with the A longish exposure with me hanging out of the window I am amzed that you can see anything clearly. Anyway, what you see is the road which comes to an end at a glass building that is the reflecting the road making it look longer, and in the distance is the Sacre Coer.
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Christmas Cheer (Samsung Galaxy S)
After a much needed trip out after so much of the week being spent indoors out of nothing other than laziness we ended up in Leeds, initially to see Temple Newsam which was OK but probably would have been better if the weather was better and more of it was open. At the time there was a wedding in the Great Hall which would have been good to see (the hall not the wedding). It does make you wonder why they allow visitors into the hall if they can't see all of it, despite that they do insist that you get charged full price, so I suspect if you go then you might want to check. Anyway like I say on a cold day there was nothing much happening and so we left to go shopping in Leeds for some reason. When we parked up this greeted us at the back of the building we parked behind. Some inventive clockfacery action was going on.
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Merry Christmas from Zamyatin (Nikon D5000)
With all the festivities done (well for me at least) I thought that I would grace Zamyatin with a pic since I have been so lax this month. I must admit I don't see it getting any better so the zero regular viewers will be disappointed. The good news is that since I have no regular viewers then I disappoint no-one.
Anyway back to the pic.
Of course on Christmas day I had my camera out and bearing in mind that I don't put pics of people on the site I chose my present from my Daughter. Not sure why she thought that I might want a stuffed toy? Perhaps next year I'll get her a GPS.
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Zippy Christmas (QTEK 9100)
I am sure there has been lots written about this, in fact I know there has, but this is Manchester's attempt at Father Christmas on the Town Hall. It used to be an inflatable thing that hung to the clock tower, but this year they have decided to choose something that looks a little like Zippy from Rainbow.
It's been a wet and cold few days in Manchester so to be quite honest I wasn't that much interested in hanging about Manchester. Just this quick pic, a dalliance with the excessively busy shops and then home and nothing to report apart from that. I didn't even look too much at the skating in Piccadilly because it was raining. They say it might snow tomorrow which is better than rain at least.
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The Park (Pentax Optio 50)
Oh it's early and it's not so much of a good picture. Not the cameras fault of course, but being Christmas Day I don't really feel like going many places but I didn't think I might take a sneaky picture of this “White Christmas†with my new presents. First on trial was my hefty winter jacket which you cannot see, nor can you see my new jumper and in fact you can't see the final one, but you can see the results of the Pentax Optio 50 which this has been taken with. Naturally only time will tell whether the camera actually appears to be one of my faves or not. It's got a tough problem bearing in mind my QTEK is always in my pocket being my phone but the lack of pixels of the QTEK do let it down. We shall see.
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Building Mix (Nisis DV5)
Here's a picture I took many years ago in print form on (believe it or not) Christmas Day. Both times I took the picture I've been prompted by the person I was with to take it. It shows quite well I think the many styles of building in Manchester I think you'll agree.
This time the picture was taken a little to further towards Princess Street because I'm standing right outside the doors to the Town Hall, whereas last time I was further towards Peter's Square.
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Into the Void (Sony Ericsson K700i)
Whilst last night was foggy, it cleared, but driving off on Christmas Day fog loomed at the end of our street. In fact I think our street seemed the clearest for miles, however we only drove into Stockport, so the East side of Manchester could have clear as day.
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