May's PicturesGet Your Priorities Right (TYTN II)
We got this flyer through our door. Please don't get me wrong I have no problem with the flyer in itself so please go if you can if you want to support the Friends of Granada Park, please do. Last time I saw the park it was a bit of nothingness so if it can be improved all power to them.
I started looking at the attractions on this Family Fun Day starting (as usual) at the top. So top at the bill we have a DJ, OK that sounds good then we have second on the bill... a Police Unit. Hmmm what are they trying to say here. OK I know they often have Police stalls in these things but putting it second billing what is that saying. Is it being advertised to say that when everything kicks off at least the Police will be there to control the situation. To be quite honest I'm not going to Granada Park on the 8th purely for the Police Unit I can tell you, especially with all my unspent convictions and me jumping bail. Ah OK I see it now they're trying to keep people like me out. Sorry about that I understand it now.
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Little Moreton Hall (TYTN II)
Yesterday we went to Little Moreton Hall. Personally I don't know why I bother 'cos I have always include the usual Wikipedia article which is better than my one. However I would say that it's the strangest place to go. If you like 90 degree angles then put the hall down and step away from the hall. If however if you like the idea of walking down hill from one side of a room to another then you're in luck; as you can see by the picture. It's a moated hall with what look like huge goldfish in the moat. Not being an expert on fish (or anything really) they could have been Carp. Not exactly a day out but a great place to go to feel a little queasy when you go up to the top floor and you're not feeling too hot.
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Mow Cop Castle (TYTN II)
On a day out to Little Morton Hall we saw this folly on the hill. Assuming that it was in fact a ruin we asked at Little Morton Hall to find that the building is actually complete and built for the people of Mow Cop in 1754. Of course I could prattle on or I could as usual direct you to a brief Wikipedia article on Mow Cop Castle.
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St. Annes Pier (Pentax Optio 50)
After an outing on The One Show we or perhaps it was I decided to go to St. Annes to see the Pier. I suspect it was only me that wanted to see it because we were only there for a matter of minutes before we were gone. It was spurred because as mentioned that on The One Show they were talking about the fate of the Fleetwood Pier that I do have a picture of but is not on Zamyatin.
It's strange that such a small pier in St. Annes can survive whilst being so poor and yet in Fleetwood they are struggling. I hope for St. Annes in the summer months you can go out on deck which you couldn't go on the day we went so as far as I am concerned the pier is only a glorified arcade with what looks like a house as an entrance which is the only interesting bit about it.
I suspect part of the problem is that Fleetwood isn't your usual first thought to go for a holiday (mind you neither is St. Annes but St. Annes may appear in the list over Fleetwood). Apparently they are thinking about putting flats on the pier at Fleetwood and I if they do that then it's a shame but as one guy said on The One Show if the public can still use the pier then so be it. Obviously I'd like the pier to have the same life like Llandudno's pier but if that's not the case then if public access and apartments are the way then that's better than getting rid. However I wonder whether the public will get access.
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Plaza de Espana Reprise (Minolta X500)
Back to October because nothing interesting has happened for a while so I decide to post this little arty farty number. Taken with a film camera and partly ruined by the kind chaps at the print lab (the two splodges on it) but at least you can see what I was trying to get at. These pillars lead you from the outside bit of the Plaza de Espana into the fountain in the centre which as I probably mentioned previously was closed when we went. As you can see I was trying to get some depth into the photo which I may have done. From memory I'd arsed up the settings on the camera so I'm surprised anything cam out at all. It's a usual picture for me as it's all about repeated patterns.
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