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Motorsport's Pictures

Schumies Fans
Schumies Fans (Nikon D5000)

So the race. It was difficult to tell what exactly happened since again we were not anywhere near a tanoy and pit stops do sort of mess the race up as a spectator in the field but it loks like Hamilton lead more or less from the start ignoring its swaps. Still a pretty convincing victory, there was pressure from the Lotus team but he held well. Button's performance was les that convincing. Mind you I say that but IT have yet to see the results because we never got the viewing spot that we reconned yesterday. The problem yesterday was that we side-stepped security and entered the silver viewing area with pauper passes spied a great viewing place and left. So today we got a shock to find we were turned back at the gate. Still a good very hot day at the race and some time tonight I shall find out what actually went on.

Oh the picture of course. Lots of flag waving today so I thought I would snap this picture of some Schumacher fans, if I'm right then they won't be too dissapointed with a fifth I think he got. Like I say all will be revealed when I can get a wifi connection.

0 comments have been left20:00 29 Jul 2012Tags: flag schumacher motorsport Hungary formula 1
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Ginetta Cup
Ginetta Cup (Nikon D5000)

This is the best picture from the day today of Tom Sharp in a Ginetta at Oulton Park. Not a great day as it rained on and off making the surface tricky despite yesterday being a perfectly warm and dry day. It also wasn't perfect for Neal and Sheddon, after dominating the second race Neal decided to punt Sheddon off the track costing both of them the race and handing it to Plato.

This is back at Druids an I think they have remodelled it. Last time the trees stopped you viewing down the track to the left but this time there is a clear view which is better. All I need to do now is watch the TV version of events to see what I missed.

0 comments have been left18:57 5 Jun 2011Tags: outlton park panning ginatta motorsport
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Buxton Raceway
Buxton Raceway (FujiFilm FinePix 1600)

On a nice and hot Fathers day what's the best thing to do? Well the answer is simple, you drive to Buxton, forget to put suncream on and stand on a block of concrete for 6 hours in the baking sun watching maniacs drive cars around an oval of tarmac. I tried my panning techniques out using the Finepix and came up with a few conclusions. The first is that I am probably not that bad a panning since the Finepix is a bit poor. The delay you get when you press the shutter is unbelievable so you can't work out of you still have the car in shot whilst you're panning or even when it has decided to start taking the picture. The amount of times when I got a nice picture of an empty track is untrue. Add to this the fact that the auto-focus kept on focusing on the fence and not the cars none of which was viewable on the monitor or the viewfinder made the whole taking pictures thing difficult.

This is the best there was unfortunately. A picture of the Hot Fords race, it was the best panned one just not the best framed as I got the official photographer in the shot too. It was all a bit mad with thrills and spills, with Samantha Taylor having a strong run in the first two rounds of the ministox until she was flipped and I suspect that the car just wasn't the same for the final. As for the UK Modified (whatever they are), they were mental. 200Bhp and 500kg so they flew and were impressive. In short it was a good day out. Better for the family than a large circuit as there is no walking though keeping up with the action is difficult and it's a pity there's no instant reply and it's a shame that I didn't have a hat.

0 comments have been left21:56 20 Jun 2010Tags: motorsport buxton raceway ford panning
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Oulton Carrera Cup
Oulton Carrera Cup (Minolta X500)

Yes I finally found out how to pan. Sorry for those not interested in photography but I was trying my panning techniques at Oulton Park when we were there for the Touring car meet in July. Of course with this technique you do end up with a ton of rubbish photos and just one goodish one. There was a clearer photo but the colours in this worked better.

Needless to say that it's been a bad weekend for pictures because of a bike repair situation and the awful weather but at least I got the twelve spools of film back from the shop so I have billions of rubbish photos to junk with a few gems and this (you might not agree) is one.

Just for the Oulton and car buffs here, this was taken at Druids. A bad place as far as I am concerned to view the race but by the looks of it a good place to take panning pictures with it's sweeping bend. It's rubbish as as spectator because it has trees to the right and left so you have limited vision so the cars appear as if from nowhere trying to hang onto the fast curve and dissapear as quick.

0 comments have been left23:28 6 Sep 2008Tags: motorsport outlton park carrera porche panning
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Outlton Park Clio Cup
Outlton Park Clio Cup (TYTN II)

It's difficult with a digital camera to take good pictures of motor racing. This weekend was Touring Cars at Oulton Park. Of course I had my usual array of film cameras there but they will take a time to develop, but for instant gratification we have some digital pics. Back to what I was saying because there is often a delay between hitting “Yes I want a pic now” and the camera saying “I'm going to take a picture now” is so long you can give up on planning a picture, all you can get is the car you want in the picture is you're lucky. I even tried the camera on “Sports Mode” which just caused me to sift through more rubbish pictures however I must admit that we never go into a good position for a digital camera to make good. Personally I think the end of Lodge Corner would have been a good spot but we were in the inside of the track and stuck to get out for that.

I did try some panning with a zoom lens with and a long shutter speed but with my precision I suspect I'll get a blur of car and background instead of a sharp car and a blurred background.

With a Wife and a Daughter in tow I knew it wouldn't be a long day and doing the usual of finding the right place to take a picture and watch the race would not be an option, so the option was for shade as the day was blisteringly hot. Unfortunately all the shady bits of Oulton Park are bad viewing places so we missed more or less all of the action though we did see that Plato disappeared in the second race and Matt Neil decided to have a go at Adam Jones at Lodge after after Adam put a good move on him the lap before.

Of course I'll watch it all on TV later.

0 comments have been left20:50 27 Jul 2008Tags: outlton park motorsport clio cup
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Pit Lane Park
Pit Lane Park (TYTN II)

BMW Sauber are doing the rounds, first I think I heard this car was in a Rochdale BMW garage showing it off after their success in Canada. Well I think it's the same, I could be completely wrong. This time they were advertising Pit Lane Park at the Trafford Centre in two weekends time. Looks like a good weekend if you like that sort of thing which I do, it's just such a shame that I shall not be there. By the looks of it it's a yearly thing so perhaps this time next year.

0 comments have been left21:35 21 Jun 2008Tags: motorsport f1 sauber trafford centre
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A1 GP Manchester
A1 GP Manchester (Nisis DV5)

Just a quick montage of pictures from a video I took, hence the resolution is a little poor. It's the DV 5 again if you hadn't guessed; I took the Rollei but never used it.

The middle two are when the Irish (I'm assuming he is Irish. I know nothing about A1 GP) guy stopped right in front of us and lit up the tyres, it's strange and it probably sounds sad but that got us all giggling like school girls, it was pretty impressive.

The last one is the last lap. Whilst there was no racing, it was a pretty good show, and if it happens again, you can be sure I shall be there.

0 comments have been left19:38 15 Aug 2006Tags: motorsport racing manchester
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