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So the race. It was difficult to tell what exactly happened since again we were not anywhere near a tanoy and pit stops do sort of mess the race up as a spectator in the field but it loks like Hamilton lead more or less from the start ignoring its swaps. Still a pretty convincing victory, there was pressure from the Lotus team but he held well. Button's performance was les that convincing. Mind you I say that but IT have yet to see the results because we never got the viewing spot that we reconned yesterday. The problem yesterday was that we side-stepped security and entered the silver viewing area with pauper passes spied a great viewing place and left. So today we got a shock to find we were turned back at the gate. Still a good very hot day at the race and some time tonight I shall find out what actually went on.

Oh the picture of course. Lots of flag waving today so I thought I would snap this picture of some Schumacher fans, if I'm right then they won't be too dissapointed with a fifth I think he got. Like I say all will be revealed when I can get a wifi connection.

0 comments have been left20:00 29 Jul 2012Tags: flag schumacher motorsport Hungary formula 1
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