Station's PicturesWell we failed several times today and if I were driving then home we would have gone but my Wife is so stubborn that she will not give up even to the point where no-one has any fun. We were close to that. We initially headed for Ellenroad Engine House which after getting through the security barrier at SunChemicals we found that it's only open the first Sunday in every month. Let fun be unconfined. We got there after Google Maps ignored a junction and the directiones pointed us back to the motorway back home. It should have been a sign So where to next? One look at the map and it's Chamber House Urban Farm, no results on Google Maps on my phone but it's on the map so it must be there so we drive to it. I say drive to it what I mean is we drive to where is was and a miscommunication meant that we ended up miles out. After a quick search I found that it had been sold like so many places for... wait for it... housing. So now I am up for going home. We have been driving for quite a while and I have had not Breakfast just like the Sweeney so we stopped at Delicious which worried me slightly. If you have to call your business Delicious then I have to wonder. Anyway a Cheese and Ham Toasty which was delicious later we were on the road. So as I said before my Wife does not give up so we ended up as the East Lancs Railway in Heywood which took a bit to find, and when we did we found that the train had left. So now we can go home? No. We drive more until we get to Ramsbottom... we will get on a train. So we get a train from Ramsbotton to Rawtenstall, oh hold on I forgot that this is all about the picture, which is the train that took us to Rawtenstall that then took us right back again. All the door clacking brought me right back to the commuter days that I hated when I worked in Manchester and took the train. I suspect trains are romantic for those who don't have to take them every day.
On a failed trip in in many so many ways we ended up at East Lancs Railway. It started up less than promising in that the first museum we tried to get to was closed but before that we circled the museum several times after misreading GPS... several times. On finding the museum was closed we followed tourist signs to the railway. Again there was little promise in this trip owing to the fact that I didn't think that a trip was on the cards and no-one were train spotters, however it didn't turn out too bad. Mind you all the best photo ops happened when my camera was in my pocket so all I came home with was this. The train on the right was a lunch train. All set up for melon or egg mayonnaise making me wish that I could join them just like when my Wife and I were on the Orient Express. After looking at the timetable for these things I found out they did Dinners which sound like something I might be into, but the rush to get to Bury for 7pm might cause a problem from Manchester. The station did look pretty with it's decorations for the Santa Special which might be an idea for anyone with kids who like Santa or Steam Trains which more or less encompasses most kids I would suspect.
This is a picture from the platform looking South down the track at Ardwick Station, perhaps I did this as proof that the next picture is actually taken on the platform and I didn't just walk into a cemetery and take a picture.
This is why I was going to Ardwick station. Every day the train stops at Ardwick Station and amazingly people do get off. One day I noticed a stone set into the station. The next day I noticed there was a cross, so this is what it is. With no more information it makes you wonder what happened to Paul McLaughlin so near to Christmas in 1997, but perhaps this says that I am a little morbid. Right in front of this (or behind me in the picture) is a rose bush; I can't help but think they are connected.
Ah the wonder of the still camera, or is it my lack of skill. Whilst this looks like a train stopped at a station it isn't. I missed the most important part. I think the Rollei got a good picture but that will take time to process. No this is a steam train going through Denton train station. Not only is it rare for Denton station to see trains (only one stops here a day and you have to flag it down... it's true honest) but this is a steam train. On the way home from B&Q we spotted this train stopped on a bridge, thinking it may go through Denton we rush to get this picture. Just as this train got to Denton a freight train passed us this side of the track hence the delay in taking the picture missing the engine. Denton truly was blessed with not one but two trains all at once. As you can see my skills shone out at this moment, struggling to take a picture with my phone and taking several with the Rollei, the one decent one I got with the phone has my finger in shot at the bottom. Nice work.