May's PicturesLike a Pig in Bugsworth (JVC Everio GZ-MS100)
More pigs, this time in... Bugsworth.
The sun came out so a walk was in order. Avoiding the obvious lures of Outlton Park we had a gentle walk along the Bugsworth Basin. With the road booming in the background it was less than idyllic but a nice walk all the same. However these pigs (only one in the shot of course) seemed to be happy enough with the sun and the dirt. Luckily they couldn't see the sign telling you that they were prime pork and could be bought whole or half or for sausages.
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Blue Amalfi (Minolta X500)
Not sure I realised how this would turn out when I took it. I seem to remember I went out early to take pictures with this one (and many more). They always say that when there is a bit of mist then the photo appears two dimensional, I thought of this when I took it but I took it anyway. I think in this instance it seems to work because of the two dimensional thing in that the far peninsular looks like it's been dropped in which makes it work as well as the blue feel, but what do I know.
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If You Want to Get Ahead Get a Mask (Minolta X500)
As promised in this post here's a scanned picture of the Venice Carnival. Standing back from the scrum I got my Minolta out with it's zoom to it's full extent and snapped this jewel. Probably not to everyone's taste I might guess. As I have probably mentioned to those of a more photographic bent the zoom crops the depth of field massively so that the focusing is really tight, which is another reason why I like standing back from the scene and zooming in.
It would have been better if I had have got the whole of the left guys face in focus but it's quite difficult because of the tight focus and human targets and the fact that I'm such an amateur. Of course that then reminds me of the other picture like this which is of the Carrera Cup. Again a good picture for me but not something a real photographer will shout about.
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Anderton Boat Lift (TYTN II)
And for this weekend's delectation we have the Anderton Boat Lift. Similar to the Falkirk Wheel in that it moves boats from a lower canal or rive to one over 50 feet above, this on is at least the original. Built in 1875 and used up until the 1970s whilst the Falkirk Wheel was build recently.
With the Northwich Thundersprint happening on the same day we turned up, we also had the enjoyment of seeing a Spitfire fly past several times. What a Spitfire has to to do with the Thundersprint I have no idea, other than they have a fly past every year by the sounds of it.
Anyway back to the picture. On the right the boat lift, and on the left there's the impressive and imposing salt works. This doesn't happen to be the best industrial building as far as I am concerned. In this picture the boat lift looks quite tall in respects to the building across the water. What you don't get in this picture is the building is huge and in fact there are bigger buildings just around the corner all teetering on top of silos that are huge enough to start with.
Years ago I used to do site trips to companies and messed about with their computers in in small offices in huge hangars and I used to be impressed but none of it seemed as impressive as these huge constructions.
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Rylands on Reflection (Pentax Optio 50)
This didn't look like much of a picture when I took it on the LCD screen and you might say the same now. However the picture actually seems better after putting it onto a screen though admittedly the sun was on the screen so the contrast was awful when I was taking it, perhaps a good reason for a DSLR.
Anyway we were at the Balearic event in Albert Square and had a bit of a trot around. Seemed OK but nothing special for my tastes. On the Saturday when we went it was Dressage then a band and repeat. Don't get me wrong the Dressage was impressive and the band we saw was Mallorcan. I did start getting worried when the singer pointed out a guy who had an AC Milan top on. It was only then that I realised that the comfortable jacket I had on was a jacket bought during our holiday to Seville which was “Sevilla Fútbol Club S.A.D.” jacket and the crowd was thinning exposing me... time to go.
Luckily it was time to go so we left to have a look around John Ryland's Library again. On the way out I took this which as mentioned looked bad but in reality looks better. Mind you it could be better.
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