Mask's PicturesNot The Amazing Kreskin (Nikon D5300)
When I was a kid, the face that showed up on the telly when the Amazing Kreskin came on, scared the heck out of me, and it wasn't that scary. I shall have to find in into to see how I fare now. But to be honest this face from Burghley House's sculpture garden isn't exactly a nice one, and they have two. Whilst I have heard of the uncanny valley, this isn't even close to that, it's just sort of ot nice.
Despite this, they do have a few other installations that are interesting like the Pac Man one that I stumbled upon, I personally liked it because it was fun and just something out of ordinary... not that a 10ft face mask isn't. Still the house is nice to visit and the gardens are pretty impressive what with the surprising part, which is a little bit of a Italianesque formal garden with something a bit different. If you're in the area it's definitely worth the trip.
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If You Want to Get Ahead Get a Mask (Minolta X500)
As promised in this post here's a scanned picture of the Venice Carnival. Standing back from the scrum I got my Minolta out with it's zoom to it's full extent and snapped this jewel. Probably not to everyone's taste I might guess. As I have probably mentioned to those of a more photographic bent the zoom crops the depth of field massively so that the focusing is really tight, which is another reason why I like standing back from the scene and zooming in.
It would have been better if I had have got the whole of the left guys face in focus but it's quite difficult because of the tight focus and human targets and the fact that I'm such an amateur. Of course that then reminds me of the other picture like this which is of the Carrera Cup. Again a good picture for me but not something a real photographer will shout about.
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Venice Carnival (TYTN II)
No self-respecting person should be without a mask at the Venice Carnival. It's just a good job that I lost all my self respect many years ago or I too may have glamed up like Elton John and joined in.
It's definitely an interesting place to be at this time though at some point you do wonder when it will stop what with all the crowds funnelling onto the many bridges. Despite this a happy but tiring day was had by all so back to the hotel for a well earned Nastro and Cigarette. Mind you we saw nothing much as we were always at the back of the crowd but we did see someone descend from the tower in St Marks Square which in the end felt more like an stress position endured by interrogated POWs because of the time the chap took to come down.
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