Wheel's PicturesStrictly Come Reality Hack (Pentax Optio 50)
With a jam packed weekend I was desperate to take some time out to take some pictures despite this. The weekend was filled with a swimming lesson and a Strictly Come Dancing thing in Manchester. Neither of which involved me directly but affected my weekend nonetheless. After parking in Victoria Station and being charged an extra 20p (in)convenience fee for calling them to pay for my parking because all the machine were not working and failing their voice recognition twice (“D” I said not “B”), we dropped my Daughter and my Mother-in-Law off at the MEN Arena and drifted off to go to Urbis to view the Hidden Manchester exhibition. It's an interesting small exhibition which was a little like a watered down and much reduced Urban Explorers photo album. Before all of this my breakfast of raw garlic on toast with tomatoes and olive oil was discovered by my Mum mentioning that there was a strong garlic smell as she sat across the table from me when we took a small break in Urbis's coffee shop. I had to hold my hands up for this one. My Wife described it as a garlicky waft that was coming off me as I passed people, even when I was holding my breath.
This is just a quick picture of the Manchester Wheel reflected in Urbis. Nothing much to comment other than I took loads of pictures like this thinking they were all great but only got one average-ish picture. There were other pictures but they may have to wait for another day. Such as a picture of the names of those who died in World War I who worked for the Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway. There's also a picture of the Air Cadets lined up in formation for a ceremony in Manchester Cathedral. But they can be left for another day.
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Falkirk Wheel at the Top (QTEK 9100)
Finally the top of the Falkirk Wheel you can just about see a boat in the distance which is just about to descend to the bottom. I have some video of the whole process though I shall spare you all 7 minutes of it you will just have to put up with the three pictures that I have. I have more but I shall spare you.
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Falkirk Wheel Half Way Up (QTEK 9100)
Of course I couldn't possibly go to the Falkirk wheel without getting a picture of the wheel in action and here it is half way up balancing two boats as one goes up and one goes down. Pretty impressive especially from this distance you can hear all the squeaks and clangs which are a little disturbing.
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Falkirk Wheel at Rest (QTEK 9100)
And today in this action packed holiday we all trekked to the Falkirk wheel. A device finished in 2002 to move barges from one canal to another without the need for locks. In one go one boat can be moved from the bottom to the top and one boat can be moved from the top to the bottom. This is a picture of the device (wheel) at rest.
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Long time no see! (Nisis DV5)
More archive pics I am afraid. Yes I am back, but with work and stuff there’s little time to get things moving. Tomorrow I shall probably be working again, despite my wish to find and picture all all pencils in Manchester since my wife found one on Wilbraham Road.
Despite my long stay away I have been keeping up with all the web going’s on and have been criticized that despite the fact that I have said this is not a blog that I have now (paridoxically) produced a blog! I say there are two sorts of people in the world, the hypocrites and liars. OK criticized is an emotive word I should have said it has been noted.
As far as the world of the web is concerned it is just as much of a commodity as it was before Crash V1.0.
As far as this picture is concerned it is a picture of the wheel in Manchester in December before it was cleared to give way to the screening the World Cup, which was then stopped after the first screened match due to trouble and now Manchester City council (who I believe were to be given money to keep the wheel but declined) are now going to reinstate the much loved wheel. I like this picture, one of those random, “will it come out… I don’t think so… oh look it looks rather nice… which way up is it” pictures.
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Cathedral and Around (Rollei 35b)
I like the mix in the picture. I have a few other pictures in the Rollei for this probably with better exposure... I hope, not that this is too bad with the sun behind me. I just like the different ages of structure. We have the Cathedral to the left, The wattle and daub building squeezed in at the bottom the concrete Arndale towering over the scene and the new wheel vying for space.
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The Eye at Night (Nisis DV5)
On the way back from the European Markets, here's the picture of the wheel in Manchester again, but this time with all it's lights on. Unfortunately other pictures I took here came out all blured.
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On The Up (Nisis DV5)
Still at the wheel waiting for my wife and daughter to come off it. I think it's a pity that it's a bit blury at the right hand side, it looked like the reflection would have been nice.
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Manchester Aye (Nisis DV5)
This is the large wheel that has been up for at least two Christmases. This is a picture on the way to the European Markets. I didn't go on but my wife and daughter did. Thye enjoyed it. Perhaps I'llhave a go next time.
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