Viaduct's PicturesChatsworth Half Viaduct (Nikon D5300)
I suspect if I read things then I would know what this really was but I don't so I have no idea what this partial viaduct is within the ground of Chatsworth, but it is pretty as the viaduct stops and the water cascades off onto the rocks below. I did try to get a long exposure of the water on the rocks below using an ND filter but that failed all because the sun was hitting the lens which made all the pictures turn out rubbish, which is a pitty because I think they would have been OK.
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The Train Terminates Here (QTEK 9100)
This picture (which is not clear) is of a viaduct, not a great picture I must admit. Whilst in Philips Park, we noticed this. Not knowing what it transported I had a look and it appears it transports nothing anymore, however it does seem to be home of trees (don't take my word for it I didn't actually confirm this, it just looks that way when you get right up to it). The viaduct stops at the road on the right just near the tree, cut off to make way for some building nearby. I can only assume that it would be for trains, but I thought it was interesting and that’s why there's a picture here.
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Reddish Vale Viaduct (Nisis DV5)
A classic picture really of Reddish Vale viaduct. I suspect anyone who comes down here with a camera will take a picture of it, so not to let the side down I did and here it is. I did wish that I'd brought my Lomo Fisheye camera with me, but that was only once I was stood underneath one of the arches. Usually I have some idea what shot looks like before they come out, but taking the underneath of the arch with a 170 degree fisheye is beyond my comprehension as to what shape I would end up with... however I think I could probably guess... the underneath of an arch with curves. Still would have been nice to try. Maybe another day.
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