Lake's PicturesAs unimaginative as the title suggests, this is where we found ourselves today. After a thunderstorm rumbled and rumbled from 5am, there was little to do other than stay indoors or get wet, preferring neither of these we attempted to find a place that might afford some shelter, so Rocca Borromeo it was, I am sure the views would have been more impressive if it weren't for the rain that you could see rolling in from miles off as a big band of fine mist, and the continued claps of thunder didn't add to the atmosphere especially when one appeared to trip a circuit breaker killing power to the place. Still if it weren't for the weather then we probably wouldn't have had the brief and hurried visit to the doll museum with all its slightly scary splendor.
Don't worry if you don't get the title, there's nothing to get it is purely a description of the day, well not the full day just the end. If it were to be a description of the full day it would be more like: Headed doe Bellagio, missed, got to Monza to see closed palace, had difficulty leaving car park, came home dissapointed and went to Arona instead. The problem with that is that its not too catchy and I don't think the title would fit into the field in the database I use to store titles at Zamyatin. So from that you my have guessed that we set out to see Bellagio, the most beautiful Italian towns. Unfortunately due to an operator malfunction the route to the Royal Palace of Monza was input. Now I have no idea whether Monza is on the way, I suspect so, but by this time we were embedded in Monza and it seemed churlish to stop now, after all we were (I was) planning to see the palace anyhow. So after a bit of a false start and what appeared to be us gaining access to a car park we shouldn't have we finally put the car in a place that looked like a car park but for some strange reason we didn't have a ticket and it was defiantly one of those that you paid on exit. Anyway after walking around the place at speed due to a full bladder, it appeared that the palace was closed, no explanation other than it looked like there were major works in place. So now we are homeward bound until my Wife decides Arona is the place to go. There's not much here apart from a port and restaurants, but it will do for lunch at 2pm. You can foget asking the guide book, it doesn't seem to be able to acknowledge the existence of Monza and I would have thought that might have been on the map. Finally, this is a pic of across the water from Arona. No I have no idea where it is, nor will the guide book.
On an aborted trip to Beeston Castle we found a different Beeston Castle, a pub. Don't get me wrong we did get to Beeston Castle but when we got there my Wife decided that we didn't really want to go there because of the weather, so to the pub it was. A sound idea at the time because of hunger but after two pints of Strongbow my mind was either on a third or a good sleep. Neither being an option we went to Cholmondeley Castle which isn't a castle you can walk around but gardens that you can. The statue is a small statue at the end of a small lake in the Temple Gardens, a neatly laid out garden slightly reminiscent of the Oriental Gardens in Telford with Carp occasionally coming to the surface with a slurping sound to scoop up some food. These gardens aren't named after a company this time and don't have a million things all in one place making it looked cluttered. The sun put in an appearance every so often that helped.
Here's perhaps the best example of an unzoommed picture ending up as a little wide angled. The lake appears vast and almost never ending and there are two reasons for this, the first is that it is vast, the second is that the wide angledness of the lens gets it all in. A compact wouldn't have got as much impact... I don't think... perhaps I'm talking rubbish. I need a lie down I think.
Still In Southport coming back to the car this is a view of the bridge we got into Southport of. The tram goes from the end of the Pier to land and then over this man-made lake via the bridge to Funland (the white building on the right). It's strange to think that the lake is a man-made because it's massive, so not only do they crate a massive lake but then create two pretty impressive bridges that wouldn't have been there if someone hadn't have placed a great lake there.
A classic picture really of Reddish Vale viaduct. I suspect anyone who comes down here with a camera will take a picture of it, so not to let the side down I did and here it is. I did wish that I'd brought my Lomo Fisheye camera with me, but that was only once I was stood underneath one of the arches. Usually I have some idea what shot looks like before they come out, but taking the underneath of the arch with a 170 degree fisheye is beyond my comprehension as to what shape I would end up with... however I think I could probably guess... the underneath of an arch with curves. Still would have been nice to try. Maybe another day.
Having a walk in Reddish Vale (again), the sun was out and it was quite a nice day, even though the morning was rather cold, but still bright. This appeared to be a good picture however I'm not really too impressed with how it turned out. One thing that's probably had to make out (if not impossible) is the heron sitting on a branch just right of the centre of the shot. Mind you unless I hadn't have seen the bird land there myself; I'd not have guessed it was there. Anyway I liked the reflections so took the picture; of course the sky is a little overexposed reminding me why I should take more pictures with my 35mm cameras, because they allow me more control of the overall exposure.
Simple shot of nothing much with the reflection adding something to the picture... well that was the hope anyway. Dunham Massey again just coming to the end of the walk.