Rainbow's PicturesA Petrol Station at the End of the Rainbow (Pentax Optio 50)
After a walk in Dunham Massey we came home missing all of the rain before and after. On the way back I had to pop into Sainsburys. As we approached it rained hard and then stopped and the sun came out. Travelling around the roundabout towards Sainsburys I notices the rainbow, well I didn't see the whole thing but I saw the start and the end and pointed it out to my Daughter. When I stopped I asked my wife whether she saw it unbeknown to be that it was still there right behind my back. Unfortunately I didn't get it all in. I would have needed my Macro lens but I nonetheless got what looks to be part of a double rainbow which appeared and disappeared as the grey cloud crossed the sky.
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Paint the Whole World with a Rainbow (Pentax Optio 50)
On a short trip to the park this time not as foggy as the last time and this time I had a full compliment of family with me not just me out testing my camera. In fact we were out trying to look for flowers for my daughter's homework. My wife pointed out the rainbow which initially I didn't believe because it hadn't rained (not that it needs to), then on further inspection there it was.
This picture is a little messed with. The contrast has just been upped which has darkened the trees to a silhouette and brought out the colours in the overcast sky.
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