Pub's PicturesThe Boat House (QTEK 9100)
This is a picture of The Boat House a pub situated on the Dee Estuary in a place called Park Gate featured on The One Show as a great place to sit in a pub and watch the huge array of wildlife. Must admit it appears to just be a pub with a wild grassland to the left of the pub, though I believe that the water can and does lap right up to the white wall on the left. Less of a wildlife person didn't see anything much except generic birds though my Wife and my Dad were discussing what type of bird they just spied. With an discussion ensuing I was free to finish my pint. It was a really nice pub and I only wish I had a few more hours to find the right seat and nurse several pints whist admiring the view, but that was not to be. I don't have a picture of the view mainly because it would not make an impressive picture, in addition to the haze (not that you can see it here) that would not fit well on a picture. And yet there is actually nothing to see for more or less as far as you can see. With that in mind, my advice is go an see it for yourself.
0 comments have been left | 21:20 6 Oct 2007 | Tags: pub estuary | Make a Comment
Black Country Museum (QTEK 9100)
Today's outing was a triumph over traffic. I personally thought that I would get a lie-in but found that my prize for a long week at work was a drive down to the Black Country Museum which should have taken about an hour but with the V Festival on the way, it took nearer to three. As you can imagine with the great weather and the car park which was the M6, I arrived in a wonderful mood.
The Museum seems pretty good. They have rebuilt a street that recreates a street as it would have looked like around the turn of the century. With fully functioning shops and a pub it was quite interesting and with people acting as characters from the time made it quite amusing. Never went to the pub, I don't think they would serve my usual tipple, but the chips fried in beef dripping were pretty good, and going down the mine was really interesting and (unsurprisingly) very dark.
On the way back we did see Duncan, a van owned by Igloo named after Duncan Bannatyne after he and Richard Farley invested in the company on Dragon's den. We didn't see the van called Richard though.
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The First Snow In Manchester (QTEK 9100)
It snowed like crazy today very heavily for a short amount of time. This picture is of the Hare and Hounds just before the the hardest part of the journey up the hill past Chadkirk. Rationally we would have not stopped to take pictures but no. The steep hill into Romley took it's toll on a few drivers one of which on a motorbike met the tarmac.
I must admit it would be a nice idea to be snowed in at the Hare and Hounds but it never happened. There were loads of pictures that would be ideal but the the fact that both the DV5 and the QTEK are bad at low light pictures put this out of my mind.
0 comments have been left | 21:34 21 Jan 2007 | Tags: snow pub | Make a Comment
Pub Lunch (QTEK 9100)
The day after the Christmas party we all went to The Little Mill a nice pub in the middle of nowhere which seemed quit nice. Not the restaurant that I was expecting but a pretty huge plate of food. The Cumberland Sausage didn't appear in a ring you might expect but turned up as 5 whopping sausages. The only complaint I had was that there was too much and gravy would have helped.
Anyway back to the point this is parked out back. An old London bus style affair with a train carriage with I don't have a pix of. I must admit I did think of buying one when they were selling them off but the practicalities of 10mpg stopped me. Oh well.
0 comments have been left | 21:01 10 Dec 2006 | Tags: bus mill pub | Make a Comment
Wickets Inn (Nisis DV5)
Here's the pub the Wickets Inn which is in Wellington a few miles from Telford. The trip here was to check the place out since on a census there appears to be my Great Great Grandfather staying there. In what capacity he was there is unknown, however since he was a Licenced Victualler on the census (an Inn Keeper) then it's pretty likely that he would have run the place.
Perhaps since the place is up To Let for rent as a business, then one of his descendants could take it over to run... or then again perhaps not.
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Number 34: The White House (Sony Ericsson K700i)
About a year ago (or perhaps it was two) I took a set of pictures of 50 pubs in and around Manchester. The idea was over the period of 10 years you could look back at the changes and I could possibly write a book. I took the pictures, got them developed and though they we rubbish and stopped. This was one of the pubs I took a picture of. I never went into the pub but it was strange. No frosted glass, so it looked a little like someone's living room except with a fully fitted bar. It's a pity I never made it in. I suspect they'll do the usual demolish it a throw up a load of luxury apartments or flats.
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