Horse's PicturesIts a Horse of Course of Course, the Famous Mr Lead (Nikon D5000)
Well it could be Lead but I doubt it and wouldn't it be brilliant if it were a real horse and I had stod there for ages trying to get the perfect span. Of course even for a static horse it wasn't that simple after a couple decided to stand next to the horse for 5 minutes as I waited for them to bugger off. That's how patient I was, committed to the Zamyatin cause.
It's a pic at Chatsworth which has seen fit to drop artwork all around the grounds. Must admit it's quite nice to stumble on one of these things, even if some of them are just completely weird like the sculpture of a couple of people that seem to have been made by a 3 year old missing heads and all sorts. In the summer house there is a fan from a jet engine which was impressive but I don't really think the picture I took did it justice.
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The Eyes Have It (Nikon D5000)
Oh it's been a long weekend, what with being on 24h support for the week and getting a call every night and spending a great deal of Saturday on the phone or at a computer it's been bad, but we did decide to go out the Werneth Low on Saturday afternoon since the sun was out and it was a wonderful day. We had a picnic and I got a great big kiss from a dog. Minding my own business sat on the grass I was disturbed by a small yapper heading full pelt towards my sensitive bits and it wad going some. At the point at which I thought it was safe to stop I noticed it was still going 100% and before I knew it I had a face full of dog mouth licking my face. Luckily he noticed food and was was off.
Sunday was Cotebrook Shire Horse Centre. Again a glorious day and great for standing about in fields with horses which are as I may have said before, impressive and frightening beasts. In my opinion horses are basically one huge muscle without much brain making them pretty frightening. Definitely the sort of animal able to break your face my accident, a bit like Lennie in the book “Of Mice and Men”. This picture is of one of the horses that looked a little sleepy to be honest but I did get this which you can see I'm in the reflection along with my Wife and Daughter which I didn't really expect when I took it. I did see myself but I didn't think I would be so clear.
I was going to put a picture of a butterfly but was convinced to put this one in as I was told it looked better. I also avoided putting pictures of pigs in as I seem to have a reputation for pig pictures if you ask Google along with a mis-spelling of forest, Venice and Dr. Who, but pigs out strip everything by a long chalk and now by putting the word pig in here I have not helped... damn it.
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