Heaton's PicturesPapal Rock (Nikon F3 T)
No this is not a new Groove Armada single this is the stone that was placed as a monument to the Pope's visit to Heaton Park in 1982 which is connected to the Papal Monument post in that it was taken at the same time and developed later i.e. now.
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Papal Monument (QTEK 9100)
I don't remember this but apparently the Pope visited Heaton Park and this is a monument to him for this visit in 1982.
I don't remember but my wife does which might make sense as her Step-Father is Catholic. What's weird about this picture is the colouring, the sky is rather blue and a little dark and yet the front is as bright as anything as if I'd front lit it. This is just a basic picture with the QTEK that I couldn't see too well because what with the sun hitting the screen I would barely see a thing.
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Old Town Hall Entrance (QTEK 9100)
If you have ever wondered like I have many many times where the old façade of the Manchester Town Hall was after the building was demolished in 1902 then you'll be happy to know that whilst the rest of the building was removed awaiting the 60's to throw up a rather nasty charcoal grey Nat West high rise building the façade is here in Heaton Park, one of the largest municipal parks in Europe covering 640 acres.
The sun was out and so was most of Manchester... well the ones who weren't interested in the local derby were out. It's an impressive park in many ways and pretty ordinary in many others. The hugeness is perhaps one reason I like it mainly, but it does have quite a lot in it, there's a hall and kids play grounds and a boating lake and I'm sure where you are there may be a park with all of those things but at the end of the day you can get a ball and kick it as hard as you can in one direction and run after it without any worry of disturbing anyone at all... oh before you do this, this is not a guarantee, there are some places that you cannot do this. The hall staff will be unimpressed if you try this in the hall I assure you.
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No Show Without Punch (QTEK 9100)
As the old saying goes, "there's no show without Punch" and at Heaton Hall there's no set of statues without the Dog too... well I assume it's a dog, and a quite set upon dog with a bit out of it's ear and lots of people have had a go at it, which isn't that nice. Still I have now taken the set. I shall now have my weak lemon drink.
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Close-Up Lion (QTEK 9100)
This is another picture of the status of the Lion at the front of Heaton Hall, this time close up. Unfortunately the hall was closed so we couldn't look around it.
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Heaton Lion (QTEK 9100)
Whilst at Heaton Park we did the usual, but I remembered that I had never taken a picture of the statues at the front of the hall. This is a picture of the Lion out at the front of the hall.
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Pool Sign at Heaton Park (QTEK 9100)
Saw this sign in Heaton Park. Apart from the daftness that the pool isn't there anymore it's just a daft sign. I'm not saying Heaton Park is worse than anywhere, I have seen this sort of "Glass in the Pool" sign many places. My question is in which world would I think it would be safe to let an adult in a pool where there's glass even when they are wearing hard shoes?
0 comments have been left | 18:25 25 Oct 2006 | Tags: heaton sign | Make a Comment