Bomb's PicturesA Stopped Clock is Correct Twice a Day (Nikon D5000)
Whilst I did write about Bologna's train station bomb I never realised that there were two clocks on the station. To be honest I are really three. There are two analogue clocks and a digital one in the middle. I never had the gust to take a picture of the crack in the wall but this I could take because with a zoom lens you can see from our room.
What's weird is that nothing of this is in the guide books but perhaps that's not that weird. It came to light at the end of the swift bus tour of Bologna. It turns out that the clock in the picture that is on the left side of the ticket hall stopped at the time of the bomb and in memory of the incident was kept at the time, the other one on the right still ticks away. Of course the digital one is probably as accurate as it could be.
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Post box (QTEK 9100)
Not that much of an exciting picture but a picture I wanted to take for a long while. This is the post box on Cross St that was in the area that was devastated by an IRA bomb and the plaque says that the post box remained almost undamaged, removed whilst all round it was being rebuild, it was put back in 1999.
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Cross Street (Sony Ericsson K700i)
Here's Cross Street and the scene that in 1996 was obliterated by a bomb, supposedly the biggest bomb detonated on mainland Britain so far. Nothing much has changed in some ways, the bridge is still there, and the road still runs the same way. Of course the changes are that for I don't know how many years it was a building site and the other difference is that traffic is unable to drive down Cross Street as it did before. Apart from that and the fact that a nice little cafe use to be on the left (that disappeared before the bomb) I think it looks very much the same, just more glass, which is sort of ironic I think.
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