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Telford's Pictures

Oriental Garden in Telford
Oriental Garden in Telford (Nisis DV5)

Telford is a strange place. It's a big concrete town surrounded by little villages and a shed load of roundabouts. Just off from the monolithic shipping centre is this rather strange geometric park full of kids playgrounds, a small boating lake, a thing called Wonderland and this oriental garden called the Maxell Cherry gardens. Here's just a bit of it.

0 comments have been left17:04 19 Apr 2006Tags: oriental geometric telford
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Church in Shrewsbury
Church in Shrewsbury (Nisis DV5)

Last few days have been spent in and around Telford. Here's Shrewsbury’s church. I must admit that day I didn't much feel like taking pictures even though the place was wonderful, so here's the best I could do, and it doesn't really look very good.

0 comments have been left16:54 19 Apr 2006Tags: telford church
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