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Rome's Pictures

Rome Skyline
Rome Skyline (Nikon D5000)

It was the Vatican and the Cistine Chappel today since it was closed yesterday. Of course since it was closed yesterday it was twice as busy today which made it hard going. I think the main problem with it is that there is so much hype about it so when you do get to see it after all the effort, queues and crowds, it all appears to be a little bit of a let down. Don't get me wrong the Cistine chappel is impressive but because it was at the end of the tour I sort of wanted to get gone. Mind you a walk along the river at around sunset as the starlings were turning tricks in the sky was much more acceptable. The picture is of a sillohete of the skyline to the left of Peter's Basilica, unfortunately due to the brightnes of the scene the Auto Focus didn't do it's job and IT failed to notice so it is slitly out of focus, still I like it so here it is.

0 comments have been left20:08 2 Nov 2012Tags: silhouette rome sunset skyline
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Peters Basilica
Peters Basilica (Nikon D5000)

It has been a really busy day today. What with yesterday being called off with rain and it mainly being a shoping expedition, the rush w on to see as much as we ciuld so we were of to St Peter's Basilica which was huge and impresive and this is the outside of it. They had quite weird comfessionals that allowed everyone to se the person confessing, which I thought wasn't the point, however we witnesed a service and tried to go to the museum only to find that it was closed today.

Needless to say this this being Rome there was plenty to see and so we headed of fir the Trevi Fountain which was huge. I must admit I don't recall seeing any pictures of it beforehand ans perhaps I am the only peron on the planet in that respect but it was impressive and larger than I had expected, thou I could have done with less people being there, nit there IS surspect there is any time of the day that this is true. Anyway back to the photo. It's of St Peter's Square and the building is the Basilica. I also have lots of bad pictures of the inside too if you're interested.

0 comments have been left20:09 1 Nov 2012Tags: basilica rome st peter vatican
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Roman Shopping
Roman Shopping (Nikon D5000)

Since it was raining today we headed off for the Euroma 2 which is a shopping Mall. I'm not sure what happened to Euroma 1 unless it was hunted down by the Trafford Centre in a bid to rid the world of copies of itself only for Euroma to regenerate like some bad pheonix. As you can guess I don't like going to Malls but I like them less when it curtails my Rome viewing time for obvious reasons. So we are shopping and I come across Justin Beiber's scent.... I'm sure I could have written that better. Well I assume it's hus perfume but to all intents and purposes it's something more gruesome alltogether. Yes it appears that he is selling the chopped up remains of... his girlfriend in boxes and tubes and all sorts if containers, all there as brazen as you like and the authorities are doing nothing. Why? Probably because they can't belive it either.

0 comments have been left15:38 31 Oct 2012Tags: justin bieber perfume scent shopping girlfriend rome
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The Colloseum
The Colloseum (Nikon D5000)

With found luggage and a new hotel to go to hope sprang eternal. Even the possiblt long drive from Sabaudia to Rome could not dent our spirits. The first drive in took some thing iver four hours as we zig-zagged down mountain passes and missed hudden turns that the Sat Nav quietly let us miss. I still can't see how it took us so long on the way the since it was only suposed to take us two and a half hours. Anyway, an hour into the drive on a different back I noticed that we were very close to where we were supposed to be. Needles to say we completed the route in under one and a half hours, so what happened with the two and a half hours I have no idea. So we stoped, offloaded and headed out the the Colloseum of course, and here we have it. More impressive from the outside than the insideprobably because from the inside it's hars to understand what it would look like with so much of it gone.

0 comments have been left20:19 30 Oct 2012Tags: colosseum rome ruin
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