Peninsula's PicturesCadiz Town (QTEK 9100)
For those who think that Cadiz Town is a football club then here's the truth. This is a picture of the sprawl of Cadiz along the coast. The mad reach of Cadiz is a little daunting. You drive for ages after crossing the bridge through the town to get to the Cathedral. This is from the path to San Sebastian. It's a weird place and whilst I was there I never looked at a map, I have a GPS (my Wife) and only now do I realise that Cadiz is some sort of strange peninsularish thing. If you do click on the link, please zoom into San Sebastian, it's a fort. Now I have come home it's become more interesting. I just wish I knew that when I was there, instead I was tired of driving from Seville. There is a lesson there but I know that I will never learn it
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