Monastir's PicturesTravel Brochure Short (Nikon D5000)
Back to Tunisa today what with a busy few weeks and very little time to take snaps, but this is of the mausoleum in Monastir which is really impressive and definitely somewhere to go, but it's a weird place in that it's all neat and tidy and yet all you need to do is step 100 yards in another direction and it's becomes all messy and for a tourist resort (albeit out of season) it seems a little strange. Then you get to the beach and it becomes touristy in a way but then again not. Add to that we ended up going to lunch a few hundred yards away and it all looked OK when we went in but after ordering it became apparent that we were not in the lap of luxury.
I would say one thing though, the next time you complain about Health and Safety then take a trip to anywhere in Tunisia and you'll be glad to come back to the cushioned warmth of rules. Health and Safety in Tunisia is carrying your baby whilst crossing the motorway as it would be absurd to make them walk themselves.
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