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Gaskell's Pictures

Gaskell House Revisited
Gaskell House Revisited (Nexus 4)

So after they refurbished Gaskell House it now looks like this. I have a before photo and readin the entry back I have no idea what the heck I was talking about. Some rubbish about taking loads of rolls of film and travelling from Stcokport to Manchester on the A6 and taking photos? What the heck was I thinking of. Well perhaps in 2006 I had loads of time to piss up the wall taking photos of a road I just really hate driving down and gets a rough in bits and would have been worse then.

Anyway, back to todays image. It's sort of a very small museum which is quite interesting but also a little brief and lacking in info on Elizabeth Gaskell I though, but perhaps I missed stuff, though a couple of the volunteers were very chatty and full of information, but it was nice to see that they have got the place looking nice and considerably less pink.

0 comments have been left21:10 19 Oct 2014Tags: gaskell longsight museum
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Gaskell House
Gaskell House (Nisis DV5)

And the plaque that we saw was on this building. Like I mentioned it didn't looks like it fitted in with the rest of the buildings, and a strange accessory to Plymouth Grove. Travelling from here down the A6 caused me to think that one day when I have time I shall have to take my camera bag and many rolls of film and take the journey from Manchester to Stockport on the A6.

0 comments have been left18:20 26 Mar 2006Tags: gaskell house plaque
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Gaskell Plaque
Gaskell Plaque (Nisis DV5)

Whilst tripping 'round Manchester we stumbled on a building with this blue plaque outside. The house seemed strange in that it didn't appear to fit in with it's surroundings.

0 comments have been left18:16 26 Mar 2006Tags: plaque house gaskell
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