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Beverley's Pictures

Beverley Minster
Beverley Minster (Nikon D5000)

We've not been idle but there have been no photo ops today so one of yesterdays pictures I am afraid. It started out in the centre of Hull looking for a large Jacket. After milling about trying to find somewhere that would have a jacket that wouldn't make me look like some sort of gangsta or hoody wannabe I headed for Blacks and found that as long as I wanted to spend £150 then all was fine. Strangely enough I found the jacket I was wearing just the ticket.

After that débâcle we headed off to the Maritime Museum, lost about Whaling and death at sea and much about how great it would be when they were fully funded so we moved onto the Streetlife Transport Museum. By this time I was tired but still there was much to look at. There was a strange arcade only partially connected to transport which made me wonder whether the point was to be a break for the young ones, in which case some arcade machines that hadn’t been made in the 80's would have been good. However I liked it because it took me back and my Daughter played the games too. Trams, cars, bikes and horse driven carts, though nothing in much detail, however we did sit in a horse drawn carriage simulator which was quite nice.

0 comments have been left22:50 25 Oct 2010Tags: beverley church hull
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