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June's Pictures

An Amazing Maze
An Amazing Maze (Nikon D5000)

So what do you do on Father's day? Well you just follow what everyone else wants to do as with every other weekend to be honest. So off we went to Tatton Park despite the Touring Cars being on TV and despite the fact that I just don't like mazes I was the dupe who accompanied my Daughter in the maze because my Wife wanted to have a lie down. I have a horrible feeling that we got this the wrong way round.

To be honest there was nothing to take pictures of in Tatton, the light was bad and even the promising pictures just looked cluttered, but perhaps that's just the feeling I had today after far a late night last night. The Japanese garden looked picturesque but again there were OK pictures but they all looked a little cluttered from the outside because you can't go in, so I too a snap to add to my wood carving collection. Oh and I forgot to say that this is in the middle of the maze, not sure if this makes you more or less inclined to get there.

0 comments have been left20:37 19 Jun 2011Tags: chainsaws tatton wood maze
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Ginetta Cup
Ginetta Cup (Nikon D5000)

This is the best picture from the day today of Tom Sharp in a Ginetta at Oulton Park. Not a great day as it rained on and off making the surface tricky despite yesterday being a perfectly warm and dry day. It also wasn't perfect for Neal and Sheddon, after dominating the second race Neal decided to punt Sheddon off the track costing both of them the race and handing it to Plato.

This is back at Druids an I think they have remodelled it. Last time the trees stopped you viewing down the track to the left but this time there is a clear view which is better. All I need to do now is watch the TV version of events to see what I missed.

0 comments have been left18:57 5 Jun 2011Tags: outlton park panning ginatta motorsport
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