January's PicturesMosi Facewall (Orange San Francisco)
Off to MOSI today to try out their new exhibit which is an interactive thing where you register with a barcode and try out the exhibits which would have been great if any of them were working. I'm pretty sure this only opened yesterday so it was a little disappointing so we moved on. The Power Hall was good as usual with the smell and sound of machines chugging away. Also in the hall was a demonstration of rocket making, paper rockets albeit some of which get jammed into the rafters all the others just drop into the many engines.
The picture here is the exhibit right at the start where you register, scan your card given to you at the start, take your picture and enter your name. 20 seconds later your face slowly ascends the wall. I did try and get my picture in the shot but just missed it. It's also nice to see Alan Turing in attendance.
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Blurry Squirrel (Nikon D5000)
With nothing of interest, Zamyatin has been a barren place for the last few weeks and to be honest there has been nothing doing, so I though that I would rectify that by posting a picture. Taken on the same day as the last picture we went to the squirrel park known as Marie Louise Park. Named after the daughter of the patron who gave it to Manchester. However it appers that there are a whole load of squirrels that have taken it as their home. You might think that I am spinning you a yarn but no. I have never seen so many. If you're lucky at home then you might see one or two every so often but I suspect in this park then you'll see loads all of the time and bearing in mind that they don't hibernate then I suspect it's an all the year round thing.
Because of this you would expect a good picture but I am afraid I had two problems. The first is that they move far too quickly and I am far too bad at taking pictures. Add to this that the lens I chose wasn't an auto-focus, otherwise it would have been like shooting fish in a barrel. Anyway I'm not sure where the focus point is as I can't see it so perhaps it's camera shake that's the issue but here you go.
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A Wood Fish Out of Water (Nikon D5000)
Another busy day driving from one place to another. This time just off the Mersey where there was a bleachworks. In fact I think from the map that was there the bleachworks would have been on top of us. Now a trading estate it's a little different and there are information boards around to explain the transition. I assume the cleaning up of the Mersey is why we have this sculpture to suggest that it's now repopulated with fish.
From here we headed off for more adventure. Off to Marie Louise Gardens. I think we took longer getting there than we did going round it. A small plot absolutely full of squirrels. When I say full I mean really full of these not so timid creatures. Despite this they moved rather too quick to get a really good picture in the light. I did at one point think they were taunting me. I was just getting one into focus that had come right up to me (which was a problem because the focus was far away) and as I was getting the little blighter into focus he sat up as if saying “Here I am” just for me to get him right and then he was suddenly gone and then click... sod it. Even when they were sat in a tree getting annoyed all still I had a hard time with the light and me being rubbish.
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