February's PicturesDisney (Nisis DV5)
Ah another busy fortnight, so archive pictures again I am afraid to say because of so much work, work, work. Just a good job my name isn't Jack.
This is a the Disney Towers from early last year, seems so long ago now, but still a holiday to remember... for all the right reasons. This is actually a still from a video, yes that's how low my archive footage of stills has become. Oh of course I could start scanning in photos from earlier holidays but that would take a little time, maybe next time.
0 comments have been left | 17:44 25 Feb 2006 | Tags: disney tower | Make a Comment
Turton Tower (Sony Ericsson K700i)
Whilst at Turton Tower (closed at the time but we had to get out of the house) there was this strange bridge. What you can't see is that it's over a railway line, what you can see are some steps for some reason heading up into a little tower thing on the edge of the bridge. There's nothing much to see from the top of that but it begs the question why it was build like that.
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Fireproof Garden (Sony Ericsson K700i)
Whilst staying at a hotel, I did discover this curious sign. I really think that the last place I shall be heading for if the building is on fire is the rooftop garden, unless I am pretty sure that the building is constructed out of some fantastic stuff and even then I would prefer to chance other exit first.
0 comments have been left | 19:31 7 Feb 2006 | Tags: sign hotel | Make a Comment