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December's Pictures

There's no Man like Snowman
There's no Man like Snowman (Pentax Optio 50)

With the finals of the Snowman competition getting close it was important that we got our skates on (no pun intended, that that it's much of a pun). With the snow piling down in Manchester and the odd thaw and then re-freeze on the cards we had our work cut out. This year features were grass and leaves making this snowman's hairy chest and belly. Twigs for hair that you cannot see but the peas of resistance monkey nuts for eyes and a mouth. Within hours the chap had lost his head as he fell sideways from a slight thaw. Now of course the remains of his head and the whole of his body are still there just covered by several layers of snow.

0 comments have been left22:42 23 Dec 2009Tags: snowman nuts snow
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I'm Loving Angels Instead
I'm Loving Angels Instead (Pentax Optio 50)

Yes I'm back out and yes I am alive and kicking after an absence of taking pictures. Sorry about that. Back to the usual form of poor pictures and stuff. This time it contains the usual trip to Piccadilly gardens. With the ice rink moved to Spinningfields (that happened last year) Piccadilly is trying to entice you with three attractions and this isn't really one of them, sorry. They have a large Snow Globe that you can stand in and have your picture taken, there's a bungy trampoline thing (on the right in the picture) and a snow slide. I just liked this one. The rest were either just nondescript or boring. I'm not saying that this pic is going to win any awards just that it looks better, probably because it's darkish as you might have guessed the darker pics are my faves and with the grey cloud kicking in on what could only be described as a nice sunny wintery day it was a bit of a find.

0 comments have been left21:40 12 Dec 2009Tags: piccadilly angels clouds manchester
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Clockwatching (Nisis DV5)

Oh it's been so busy as you may have guessed and nothing interesting to say, but I thought that I would interest you I an archive pic from 2006 and slightly off centre. In the intervening time I have been contacted by a marketing agency for a camera company (I don't feel special believe me I suspect they mailshot many people) about a fantastic event in my area. Turns out it was all about a larger than life postbox that took the artists 4 weeks to create. I thought that this was great, it's in the Printworks, that's close to the Postbox that survived the IRA bomb in Manchester, that might be a good picture.

So I turned up and I looked around the area and nothing, so I went back to the promo pic and yes I had been in the right area. So back again to look at the angles and I may have been wrong initially but I wouldn't have missed it so back to the emails, I emailed my contact. Luckily for her since marketing skills are so transferable, she transferred. At the end of the day no-one knew where the heck this thing was until I found it on Peter St quite a way from the Printworks. I took a pic but it was blurry what with it being grim at the moment (yes I would prefer an off centre pic than an out of focus one). Of course the new marketing bod gained intel on the postbox only after I emailed her.

For those who are less cynical then google “8x life”, it's Panasonic's attempt at selling their compact with a zoom lens. They have an obligatory Facebook Page I am sure there's an RSS feed too... sorry no! RSS is old hat so they'll have a rubbish Twitter feed instead.

0 comments have been left00:20 3 Dec 2009Tags: church manchester clouds
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