April's PicturesCat Silhouette (Pentax Optio 50)
We came back after a day out and since it was a sunny day the cat was as usual sat in the window behind the blinds catching the rays like cats do. The blinds often cause problems for the cat, they're not so simple to get through for a cat I am sure but he perseveres. At this point he's trying to wonder what's going on.
Not much of a description for this one because there isn't, I just liked the shot. You choose.
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Nae Day Sae Dark (Pentax Optio 50)
This is David Annand's sculpture inspired by William Souta's poem. Not a good picture because it has a third head that my daughter asked “Who is that?” which reminds me of the situation where I was at home with my daughter. I am pretty sure that when the sculpture was erected I saw a news article on it, however I remember nothing about it. So I have spent a bit of time trying to find out about and and brought up a blank. So forgive me if I don't see the connection between the the poem and the sculpture.
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Part of Echelon's Listening Post (Pentax Optio 50)
Here at RAF Menwith Hill there are great many balls, some big and some small and at the far right one that is being constructed. All of these object house a dish tracking communication satellites and part of Echelon or SIGINT. Leased to the US Government for the NSA it's quite secret and not that secret. I do have some close pictures but they were a little rubbish what with the security cameras and the chap walking around with a dog and what looked to be a nice plastic assault rifle. After a few circuits I decided it was time to go for several reasons the biggest reason being that taking pictures seems to get you in a little trouble nowadays in usual situations let alone around a RAF/US Army base.
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Wood Face (Pentax Optio 50)
Blimey I should almost make this a feature of the site with this the third in the line of Chainsaw Wood carvings but then again perhaps they aren't made using chainsaws, it's only my assumption. So on this feature called “When Chainsaws Turn Good” -hmmm not that catchy, I'll never get a spot writing programmes for Channel Five- here's another carving.
This little gem is from Heaton Park. I'd have personally liked something more imaginative than a face but who am I to judge, I have never carved one of these things. It did take a few moments for me to find the thing after it was pointed out. It was a bit of “Oh look over there at that face carved in the tree”, so I started looking half way up a tree with leaves so of course I stupidly asked “What tree and where”. After a few minutes being told that “it was a tree and a face” someone actually pointed to the ground and it was obvious really.
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