St Peter's PicturesPeters Basilica (Nikon D5000)
It has been a really busy day today. What with yesterday being called off with rain and it mainly being a shoping expedition, the rush w on to see as much as we ciuld so we were of to St Peter's Basilica which was huge and impresive and this is the outside of it. They had quite weird comfessionals that allowed everyone to se the person confessing, which I thought wasn't the point, however we witnesed a service and tried to go to the museum only to find that it was closed today.
Needless to say this this being Rome there was plenty to see and so we headed of fir the Trevi Fountain which was huge. I must admit I don't recall seeing any pictures of it beforehand ans perhaps I am the only peron on the planet in that respect but it was impressive and larger than I had expected, thou I could have done with less people being there, nit there IS surspect there is any time of the day that this is true. Anyway back to the photo. It's of St Peter's Square and the building is the Basilica. I also have lots of bad pictures of the inside too if you're interested.
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