Net's PicturesMarsaxlokk or Bust (Nikon D5300)
It's been a busy day, we've been to three different places, yes you heard it right, three, and they call this a holiday. The first was a must see, I don't know why, probably because the story is so remarkable. At Mosta you can see a church that was full at the time of bombings in the area, I suspect the bombs were supposed to hit the airfield that is now a Craft Village, anyway 4 bombs hit the church, 3 bounced off, two of which detonated without any causlties and the 4th dropped through the dome, hit a painting of Christ on the head and fell to earth without detonating or hurning anyone.From that moment on I suspect they celebrate Jesus Bomb Heading day. You can see a replica of the bomb in the church and whilst there is not guided tours, there was a helpful bloke there who explained everything.
The next stop was the Craft Villlage, yawn. If you like glass or ceramics or jewelry and that sort of stuff then go, but there's no need for everyone to go.
Finally to Marsaxlokk a small fishing village which is quite pretty and full of boats all painted in similary colours, all blue, yellow and red. As you can tell this bloke is a fisherman and so probably owns a blue yellow and red boat, unless it's all for the tourists and he actually owns something called a globaltrawler 3 that goes out once a week and hoovers up it's weekly ration of fish in one glup allowing him to pretend to fix his quaint nets for the rest of the week.
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